Prelude: A Quiet Billionaire - Speculative Fictional Short Stories by Marica Quarsingh
A Quiet Billionaire Speculative Fictional Short Stories Marica Quarsingh Fast Cars. Fast Mars Trails of red dust in what could resemble to an artist silk scarves in the wind filled the red planets air. A mars terrain geared EV sped its way from one end of the dunes to the next. Close to follow was a second vehicle. Less fast in speed, but more advanced in driving skill. A more technical driver behind the wheel chasing the lead car whose driver seemed more out to have fun. Proving that having fun in the process could take you further, faster. Eventually both vehicles about to stop in what can only be described as an earthly fast car movie scene with a dramatic driving end, but on fast Mars amplified with intravenous EV capabilities. They made donuts in the sand and the lead driver with one hand clench in an anti-Apartheid fist through the glass retractable roof as shrieks of glee echoed across the empty dunes. Both cars abruptly stopping with dust settling and e...