Innovation is the bottom line.

THE BUSINESS OF INNOVATION, CREATIVITY & INSPIRATION We’re certainly living in interesting times! The apparent discovery of water on Mars, with its now even higher potential of occupancy. AI, robots and the fear of robotics serving and dominating humanity. Consumer behavior “schizophrenia” demanding brand collaborations with unusual associations. Super smart technologies with its clear byproduct being the lack of human privacy - on earth and just for now! New brand dispositions, new organizational narratives, new value chain principles and between all that, SO MUCH to overwhelm anyone. Sigh! Literally, new needs are being designed by humans for humans. And so this list of newness that goes on, and on and on, can be said to take way from the “honesty” of life in its truest and simplest sense. It’s like a donut that was “just a donut”, before transformed into a centerpiece on top of a decadent drink- topped with toppings. Comm’on, you know those new age deca...