
I guess most people who know me would know that I don't wear a timepiece. This is even while having spent a significant part of my life with a master horologist (eyeroll). I just never took pleasure from a device on my wrist.

In saying this, I am embarrassingly punctual. Being late is something i work very hard to not be. Being made to wait, unless really valid,  is like being stuck in a nightmare for me.  As someone once rightfully said, 'being on time is late.' This is why I will never get the idea of 'African time' being acceptable. To those unfamiliar with the phrase, it's where arriving much later than agreed to is socially acceptable- for some.

However 'time', as referred to in this piece, is more in context of the importance in how we use it. Not for a moment am I dismissing the importance of noting the hours in the day .. even if it's sourced from impressive wrist bling.

I'm more getting stuck into how hours are spent. For me I've been deliberate in all my activities needing to be directed towards my personal goals. I'm not always perfect in doing so, but it is my intention to use time so that I can be my personal best.

For me there's no point in 'no point' activities. I must be left a bit wiser or simply better in some way or the other.
I'm not saying that I have not invested time and effort into fruitless exercises. At the time I may not have known better.  But this is where things become interesting,  because even seemingly wasted endeavors  have actually come to serve me in the long run.

Time is wealth and how it's invested can be eternal wealth...so to waste mine or to abuse it, well in one word- eish!

Now for some special weekend (never weekend special) time!



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