Melina the brilliant little girl Bee - a short story series for kids by marica

(This is the first series of my short stories for kids. Suggested ages of between 2-7 years old)

Melina the brilliant little girl Bee (part 1) 

Melina was an interesting little bee.

She was a girl bee of just 5 years old and whose smiley eyes and many questions were thought to be cute, interesting and also quite troublesome at times by both her parents and her many brother and sister bees.

Yes. All of Melina bee's family members understood her to be different to them. She was the youngest bee child in her family but also the one to ask the most questions. Everyone in the home felt that maybe it was in the way Melina bee listened and looked at things which made her ask so many questions, all the time and about almost everything.  But they also knew that it was a good habit to have and so no one really stopped Melina bee from her asking of questions even when it became too much to handle for them all.

See Melina bee would take a simple thing like eating a fruit at lunch time which was next followed by many questions.

"mama, why is a banana this color and not any other color?"
"mama, what makes the banana easier for me to chew than all the other fruits you give me at lunch time mama?"
"mama, how long does it take to grow a banana and can we please try to grow some later today?"

Eventually when mama Melina knew she simply could not answer or was too tired to,  she would insist Melina bee eat up and go out to venture in their village. See mama Melina knew that her little Melina bee would take all these questions to the bee villagers in the village in which they lived.

Mama Melina knew her little bee girl well. Melina bee would simply not rest until she had answers to all her questions for that day.

Melina bee was also known by her entire village for all her questions and for her curiosity. Because Melina bee was never rude or disobedient and because her large brown eyes always seemed to be curious and smiling , the entire village loved this cute little bee even with all her questions.
For those villagers who could not answer Melina bee, she was sent to the next villager who they thought could better answer Melina bee.

Everyone welcomed Melina bee warmly except for grumpy old bee and candy shop owner Mr. Gaiya. He would always ask Melina bee to make her candy choice selection and to leave. But Melina bee would never quite do that. She had to know why kids loved sugar so much and why Mr. Gaiya bee sold candies and sugar filled yummies to kids instead of fruits and other more healthier things kiddie bees loved. Infact, Melina bee would only go into the candy store to ask questions but never to buy anything with her chores money she earned for the week. Mr. Gaiya bee also knew this very well and he would eventually shoo Melina bee out the store.
Melina bee would leave smiling, saying thank you and promising to see Mr. Gaiya bee again soon. Melina bee was unaffected by Mr. Gaiya bee's grumpiness which seemed to make him even grumpier.

Melina bee would simply follow on with her questions to a new set of villagers. She was such a curious little bee and the village in which she lived, hidden in valley's, always gave Melina bee more and more questions to ask.

Semyai was a bee village Melina bee was born in and lived in. It was only known to bee's and where only bees lived. Even when they went out beyond Semyai village, all bees knew they had to return home to their village to protect their declining numbers.  No one really knows where Semyai is located but some say it's  hidden in beautiful mountains and valley's found in South Africa near Ixopo. The village of Semyai is known for misty mountains in the early mornings which kisses all it's juicy fruits and trees with dew making them even juicier than fruits found in other villages. Semyai village is filled with fruit trees and big colorful flowers. This was a perfect questions playground for Melina bee who would be lost for hours among the trees and flowers daily while her mom's voice would echo the mystic valleys in search of Melina for her bath time.

The valley's all bounced mama Melina's voice back with echoes-

"Melina bee, Melina bee it's home and bath time. Dad is almost home from work and you know he wants us all at the dinner table together"

With no response from Melina bee, mama Melina would become annoyed and it was heard in her voice.

"Melina bee! Home and bath time I say!"

"Just you wait till you arrive home Melina bee. All your brothers and sisters chores will be yours to do!"

Mama Melina got more and more desperate in her yells but Melina bee simply returned when she felt the days questions or answers she had were all run out and that there was nothing interesting left to explore. But being an obedient, curious little bee that she was, Melina bee always returned indoors before sunset and apologized to her mama. Melina bee promised to be home perfectly on time the next day. Her big, brown eyes grew larger if she felt mama was not convinced and then she'd smile which made it very hard for mama Melina to reprimand Melina bee.

See mama Melina knew all she had in her child, Melina bee, was a brilliant little girl bee.

The end.

(That's all from Melina bee adventures for now kiddies. Till next time, remember to be good children and to ask lots of questions.)


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