
Showing posts from February, 2019

Busy. A pre-requisite for Impact

I've been known to, unashamedly, take my laptop on exotic vacations and to cancel vacations to be in office in front of my laptop! While in corporate I had my CEO's in different roles/companies tell me to take some time to rest. I am correct in saying it's the same personal investment, over-investment-combined with circumstances at the time- which directed me into business. Would I change anything I could? Nope! Do I have a choice for now- Nope! I've come to label my desire (or by self label "my disease") for Impact through business as one I cannot cure and personally one I don't want to. I've chosen projects and business beliefs over too many personal life choices - for years now. I've on occasion woken up from deep sleeps and at odd hours talking off the cuff about my projects and dream projects. About Richard Branson and Jack Ma! All met with snide chuckles by my partner back then. I literally lose sleep( ah, sorry Arianna)

Be a Narcissist!

I'm no relationship expert! But I have, over some time, heard of and witnessed relationship "failures". My own two included. Left wiser? Maybe! Left happier? After a while, yes! Again, I'm no relationship expert! But I have wondered what has been so fundamentally flawed with both men and women alike when in relationships? To me it has felt and does seem as if we are bypassing fairly simple matters in return for complicated, complex and downright broken relations. Big and not so great words from the eternal optimist I find myself to be! Look, I could if I wanted to,  take a note from any spiritual "guru" whose disposition on failed everything (including relationships) is merely "a sign of the times". But then again I simply can't digest that notion when everything else about my approach to life screams great information and aid readily available for creating a bright Future - Now. Relationships, for me, is no exception to ...