Busy. A pre-requisite for Impact

I've been known to, unashamedly, take my laptop on exotic vacations and to cancel vacations to be in office in front of my laptop! While in corporate I had my CEO's in different roles/companies tell me to take some time to rest. I am correct in saying it's the same personal investment, over-investment-combined with circumstances at the time- which directed me into business.

Would I change anything I could? Nope! Do I have a choice for now- Nope!

I've come to label my desire (or by self label "my disease") for Impact through business as one I cannot cure and personally one I don't want to. I've chosen projects and business beliefs over too many personal life choices - for years now. I've on occasion woken up from deep sleeps and at odd hours talking off the cuff about my projects and dream projects. About Richard Branson and Jack Ma! All met with snide chuckles by my partner back then.

I literally lose sleep( ah, sorry Arianna)...and I'm prepared to if it means stepping closer towards goals.  Besides everyone significant and close to me knows I won't leave my pj's to socialize unless it makes business sense to. It's not even questioned any more.

Do I have a life - yes! Do I have regrets? For now, NO! ( sorry mom/dad/loved ones- I still can't cancel my project commitments to attend all celebratory events).

I know Warren Buffet advocates you don't have to do much to be successful but sorry to say Warren, I believe that initially one has to put in the effort to lay foundations for Impact. Especially when economies are harder to crack and competitive edge separates leaders. Take that and season with the speed of 4th industrial revolutions and the will to be part of the global  relevance, one has to do the work which comes with missed dinners, crazy hours, constant mental preoccupation in midst of company.

Is it easy to be an entrepreneur? No. But I do always think about how millionaires and monopolies were formed post world wars and so my disposition remains - " where there's challenges, there are opportunities".

A modern day example of work and the fruit of it - for me for now - undeniably Ed Mylett!

# Let's do the work needed Now to love the Future we all want


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