$We Too - an Unconventional Billionaire approach

A particular family started a reality show and essentially from a rather compromised position (pun intended). It was not anything I quite wanted to understand. A bit like some parts of my experience from the really deep stuff from David Bohm.

 I know.

Quite an insult for some of you having this US based reality show starring family, now with a mega empire and enviable bank balance in pandemic times, featuring in the same sentence as the free thinking, unorthodox scientist David Bohm.

Yes, one exposed herself and "blossomed" with exposure becoming a household name (which never quite made it through my doors anyway) while David Bohm too, exposed his beliefs and was only later exposed. A late bloomer by acceptance from scientific fraternities. But both reality show star and scientist equally brilliant. Yes, you heard me correctly. 

Both scientist and this particular reality show family are brilliant. They had ideas, they shared it publicly, they were rejected. They are now respected. But more than this the learning is same for both instances even while belonging to different worlds entirely. They applied thought and were courageous in exercising it. That's what it comes down to.

Currently there's uncertainty in the world’s economies and I picked up on an earlier Facebook post regarding the impact of Covid19 on global businesses. It is true and there's too much to be said of the mega wealthy losing billions, even though they’re still able to afford more than premium lifestyles, while the already unemployed are fast becoming a painful topic of unimaginable consequential concerns.

Personally, and amidst all these genuine facts and thoughts, all the available stats and realistic commentary, I go back to how this family and their key icon recently sold just 20% of her cosmetic brand to a global makeup house for a mere $200million. Ask yourself what’s the lesson? I explain a bit further into this on what it is for me.

I am not saying go make a home video for two and get it leaked. I'm also not saying get the family around the kitchen table and do a live broadcast.  Not at all.  I'm definitely not saying I want that particular kind of wealth (I honestly need much more! Social acceleration is so expensive). 

Woman signing contract | Premium Photo

What I am saying is that there is quite an obvious business brilliance to be found in from where that family started out, to now where they find themselves negotiating mega worth deals with global cosmetic houses. As a business mind and in a few sobering sectors, one has to wonder. I'll go as far as saying my Facebook fan posts makes the idea of Poster vs. Forbes list seem a lot easier and possibly even more lucrative than my current "work day in day out " start-up realities. 

Speaking of show and me entertaining with a vision in mind -

My digital availability also remains constantly adamant for a business reason in having a “HotCool” ( a term coined and inspired by Mercedes-Benz chief designer) and with my hyper-active, thought fuelled, generous in opinion while actually quite "normal" in every cheeky sense across a boardroom table.  

Maybe some part of me knew, going back to my initial posts on this very blog, that I was going to try many things, across a few sectors, to see what sticks. 

Boy am I glad I took that approach and back then already! I am also blessed with right partners who reject notions of any sort of conformity in business and in life, accepting my business stance through it all.  I believe we are independently and collectively wild creative forces. It helps to change fast. To find new ways ethically and without over seeking in approval. 

 I'm reminded, as I say this, of Instagrammers Majimb.o and Jana.Heinisch. Also on instagram I noted a high end Swiss watchmaking house who seems to have aggressively launched a new range in one of their entry level watch brands. Interestingly, they did the same after the world war 2 ( so I was told)  and it was apparently the reason they kept the company name to an entry level watch brand instead of changing it to one of their premium brands. It was the entry level brand which kept them in business post war. So, are they feeling like they're back there again?

To close, here’s a bit of what I believe and what you will see on a website and alongside a global board I am joining. It is within a very sobering sector.

Marica Quarsingh is an astute, progressive, globally relevant businesswomen and Social Entrepreneur who founded a forward facing firm MaricaCo. Pty in 2017. This was after years in respected Corporate Marketing, Business Commercialisation and Stakeholder Management roles.

A high-energy Thought Leader and respected business mind, Marica currently shares the favour of global access through Global and African partners, a privilege to which she attributes in having a strong work ethic, entrepreneurial tenacity and an always on approach to disruption. 

Trans-border Innovations, Impact, Social Acceleration and Future Sustainability is key to Marica, while she remains committed to Humanity as expressed in her various projects, platforms and human- centric alignments designed to bridge social inequalities. 

Maybe I should have added to the above given where we pandemically stand -

To not  be afraid and to try almost everything ethical, however "colourful" it may seem and to see what sticks. Maybe we too can be signing mega billion dollar deals. 

$we too.

I wish you well this evening.





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