
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sleep when you must!

  To have a company in a forward leaning sector where industrialist nations refer to it as an economic stumulus, the factories of the future and a next space race, can be somewhat extraordinary to say the least. This, together with keeping relevant through fast paced business developments, making real time and well considered decisions while remaining ethically bound to the wings of the vision, leaves you in constant think mode at hours deemed for rest. By who exactly is rest confined to conventional patterns and hours which anyway some of the world's most extraordinary people have shown to reject in sleeping at work desks for a bit or their production floors. And still achieved anyway. My Asian colleagues for weeks would do the rest, work, rest, refresh -all at work- thing.  I'm that person who sleeps only a few hours. I can also can sit for hours thinking and prefers to do so alone and even at the expense of most inviting company or events. I get that my friends in health an...

Aging well

Firstly, I think to age well requires sound stress management through life's stresses. This could be in lifestyle choices pertaining to excercise and diet,  mindfulness practices and then interventions like advanced vitamin cocktails intravenously taken. I'm such a fan of but toned the iv drips down recently, upped my water intake again but am yet to get back into my hour run.  I drink less coffee and decided to be kinder to my body in doing so. I mean 7cups a day! Diet still remains the fastest way to affect your mood and to eat a home cooked meal that's made with good ingredients,  even in a basic meal, matters most. I don't think you can go wrong with keeping the stuff you like on your plate but to what extent will that add value is to be asked if the frequency is daily. Mind matters like community engagement, group based games or crosswords still help with brain related matters but let me leave that to Andrew Huberman labs to speak further to. I'm reminded of ho...