Sleep when you must!


To have a company in a forward leaning sector where industrialist nations refer to it as an economic stumulus, the factories of the future and a next space race, can be somewhat extraordinary to say the least. This, together with keeping relevant through fast paced business developments, making real time and well considered decisions while remaining ethically bound to the wings of the vision, leaves you in constant think mode at hours deemed for rest. By who exactly is rest confined to conventional patterns and hours which anyway some of the world's most extraordinary people have shown to reject in sleeping at work desks for a bit or their production floors. And still achieved anyway. My Asian colleagues for weeks would do the rest, work, rest, refresh -all at work- thing.  I'm that person who sleeps only a few hours. I can also can sit for hours thinking and prefers to do so alone and even at the expense of most inviting company or events.

I get that my friends in health and wellbeing will like to suggest otherwise on matters of downtime, but they well realise that my come back will be ' but Jeff Bezos speaks to work life synergies, never balance!'. Or ' its suggested we get to sleep well when we die, so lets save it for then'.

I know a few of some of my best people, life coaches invested in mind body wellbeing work will also encourage less of some things and more of others and while I get the rationale,  I invite you to consider this.

Why not sleep when you're tired only. And let your internal understanding of yourself solely drive those patterns. It will come back to knowing you best and in self reflecting but also honest enough to call time out, if time is needed out. I've never been shy of looking at rest and reflect retreats or practices as a diy approach.  Visit a wellbeing based chemist who has items like real salts with essences to complete the effects of soaking in them. Look to store consultants which encourage energy restoration. Some health stores have inhouse acupuncturists and rooms ( the health store in Hyde Park Mall). It's great to understand your body needs and yourself. 

But please don't force me in understanding the mediocrity of sleeping for hours I may never need to feel great. Recently the weight of doing short trips tired me immensely but I rested enough, more than usual to recover and reverted to the max 4 hours 💤  I need at "night". 

But then again I feel the same unconventional about a few things. Like the ideas of day and night or living like you're walking dead by others expectations.

Uncustomary too, but that I'm happy to speak to in person.  Depending if you're of interest for me to leave the great tasks of work and thinking to do so! 😁 

With gratitude this Thanksgiving to be living while I am alive.



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