Easy thoughts and some questions about a seeking spirit..


I really do believe that all people, trans-ethnicity, are innately smart! I mean, can the human spirit with it's endless possibilities ever be limited?

Once realized, can passion's manifestations ever be undone? And is talent limited to a ration ..or two per person? Is genius a birthright to some, or a birth choice for all?

It's my belief, that once you've spent enough time understanding that we are vessels of infinite possibilities, it's a personal responsibility...no, no..actually, it is a personal indebtedness to explore just that!

Agreed, primary Maslow'ness (in celebration of "innovation", I temporarily created this word ..save it linguists!), with access to key resources are enablers for reaching potential. But is the lack of that a deal breaker? And even with primary human needs met, are you guaranteed of reaching your full potential? Or is it all a personal decision?

I do know that I have been super fortunate...actually super blessed, to have engaged the greatest minds with global accolade and impact. It's those same minds who also knew struggle and tenacity were two seats at their same table. And they broke bread, and conquered...and conquer daily.

Maybe this is why I can say, I don't believe your squalor or splendor determines your self realization.

It's simple.

You do.


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