
So I'm pretty certain that all the truths about the brain and mind - it's workings,  biology, psychology, psychiatry and any other facet I may have missed - is undeniably true!

I relate to EQ, IQ and LQ- the latter being a recent public verb from Alibaba's Jack Mau. I recently picked up on a chirp on DQ which presumably pertains to Digital...then there's SQ ( "S" can be for anything you want...I will keep it strictly to Social!).

This being said, I am of the opinion that any mind, with grooming and fertility to want to learn, can and will acquire what's needed to achieve. A human spirit "open" is a spirit that can never be shut off or down..or not for too long anyway! We are pretty much anything we choose to be. Ofcourse exposure, opportunity, wisdom, insights from enough f-up's, people taking a "chance" on you, support and all else plays a major role in how far you can go...or rather how fast. Ultimately, you walk that path to anywhere, that can be created. The brain and mind indeed plays a major part in it's ability to understand/strategise/implement, but it is more about the spirit, determination, energy and listening to your "gut" that moves you.

Just today, I was reminded of the power in consistency, focus and considered effort. No truer advice did I receive, and prior too from an ex-employer and my then CEO. In many way's my other informal mentor.

Currently and for about a year already, Terry, a 65 year old lawyer who was incredibly successful in Zimbabwe remains a man with "eagle vision" and still in practice till now.  My official mentor, I spend an hour or more with him weekly and my learning's are indescribably appreciated. When the pressure's turned up, he reminds me there's no other way. When I complain of the struggle, he reminds me that he would worry if there was no struggle. Terry has sat on boards, and drafted historic industries contracts...but Terry is my friend first. And he's a man who takes precious time out of his busy day to train me in business and in many ways, in life ( with IQ, EQ, SQ, LQ etc. in one!)
I guess what I'm trying to say is, with wisdom, zest, hard work, consistency, patience and path is limited to EQ, IQ, LQ, DQ, SQ etc. So, a mind and spirit well groomed or willing to be, will find what's needed.

Maybe the only "Q" is the one everyone will be lining up in to get to you once you're accomplished (if that's your thing!). Or maybe a "cue" needed to be taken for the many your journey could inspire. No mind, brain capacity or spirit needs permission to excel. A journey begin's when we choose to walked it and you are the culmination of any amount of EQ, IQ, LQ, queue, cue you decide on.

Personally and while onto the many "Q's" there are, my business partner and I are so grateful about so much.

We would like to say TQ (Thank Q!) to all you great people we are working with, who support us and who we will be working with going forward!


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