Sunday will be Sunday.

Before organically becoming a business owner, Sunday's had always been "restfully busy" and my best day of the week. I totally lived up to the saying of "Sunday and a girls bed being an endless love affair".  And boy, was I in love!

My "prior" Sunday's saw me planning for the working week ahead around midday.  Well, that was if I was not in the office every Sunday, as was the case in a recent role,  where It was a normal working day to service the Middle East.  My day eased into many of my hobbies including cooking, painting, writing, reading, styling... blah blah blah.

Now, it's only reading that remains while cooking is no longer a leisurely exercise. It's become a task to service a bodily has everything else. I no longer have much time to faff about too much. Not that I ever really did. And writing is now a case of this short and considered blog.

In our business venture, I cannot say that midday is the start of our business activities. I actually cannot separate time, which generally separates days. I believe this is the nature of moving in inspiration. This is my new and timeless love affair.  My Sunday mornings and every morning commences with checking mails, in enthusiasm of  favorable responses to those sent the previous night. And breakfast is a multi-sensory engagement between chewing, thinking, typing, whatsup'ing, thinking, calling, doing , talking & thinking! Yes I know- it's rude to expect only to do breakfast when starting a business!

In all this, one thing I can loudly reiterate is my respect for responsible business owners.. now more so than ever. The tenacity to be sustainable, to think strategically, to be operational, to note all business costs, to amputate all living expenses.. all while having to put up with business challenges and demands is ballsy. And to honest, successful business leaders- big up's to you!

I know that we have not been this inspired to see things come to fruition than now. My entire life currently is nothing like I've known it...only just 7 to 8 weeks ago. Every comfort I've known, I now don't.  Every decision I unconsciously made, I won't. And every guarantee in my career, is no longer  guaranteed. Personal sacrifice and disruption are new friends of ours...not that I've ever known us to take any short cuts to anything. What I do seriously take pleasure in, is knowing that the path is indeed created when you start walking. Being our own business owners is about being deliberate in action and most certainly about being audacious and courageous. Qualities that both us partners share in equal proportion. We are complementary in our approach and with our contribution to this journey. We high five and air drum daily when we see favorable results. Rockstars you may say, but we'd rather you not just yet!

So whereas Sunday's saw me embracing the day on a different momentum, I'm going into each day not counting hours or cognizant of time, but remain deliberate and conscious of activity and of my responses. I may not have time now to paint, and cooking is not at the leisure I once knew it to be..but boy (and girl and transgender ..just to be sensitive to all) are we are creating another kind of masterpiece.

For me, Sunday will be Sunday. It remains another day, of all the best days of the week. We're "timeless" and getting sh#t done. While my biography some day will document exactly how uncomfortable it actually was to build our legacy, with love, this is just a sneak preview.

Happy Sunday to all. I wish my friends, family, loved ones and everyone celebrating the Jewish and Tamilian religious festivities the very best.  Let's make the week ahead matter - in business and in life.

We are one nation, one economy and mostly, we are one world!


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