Understand, see, be and do.

Today was full of key learning's! The type that refines you in business and which makes you better at being human.. and while dealing with humans.

A visit to down town Joburg reminded me of what I've always maintained- you cannot market to people, or communicate with an audience, whose world's you have no clue on.

So there we were, my business partner and I, feeling connected again,  as we were in our youth when frequenting Joburg City centre - outside of the trendy spots. The hustle of daily entrepreneurship paved the streets and met us vibrantly and on steroids!

We had an interesting chat as we made our way to an appointment which encapsulated us not being removed from realities of life, and how we once more enjoyed our time experiencing the same people we've been marketers to at some stage of our careers.

Another key learning today was to move more swiftly when required and when it matters most. It may be making a call to explain a mail, or explaining further to a mail, about a mail, and then a text about a potential call!

Either way, do what's required with persistence and tenacity. More so when it really matters.

We left town and just over Nelson Mandela bridge was an awesome architectural structure and remains of presumably an old station. It took me back to a time I wouldn't have known, but can imagine. Of elegant ladies in hats and silk scalves. Hand gloves, purses and neck pearls. Now a barren station instead, the remaining detailed structure could make for an urban retro wedding. For a cool couple, who enjoy the Joburg skyline. I see a wedding that with the 'right investment',  an African golden sunset, a live saxophonist (female ofcourse!) and bubbly on tap,  would be UBER chic.

Anyway, i guess between hearing amazing stories of my business partners son that has us roaring with laughter on the streets of downtown, to insightful conversations in a reception room with department employees, and ensuring important communication is done...the two things that I can safely say today taught me are:

Know the landscape of the people who you wish to market to,  and be willing to over communicate when necessary.

Rosh Hashana Greetings to my friends, colleagues and to my loved ones.


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