You're needed. More so now than ever.

I've hit the ground speeding, leaving cool flames for footprints, as any entrepreneur with an expansion plan would!

Between engagement demands, business processes, meaningful seconds of calm, great eye cream and life sometimes sorely happening to me, resides an apparent "chaotic magic". A driving force that consumes, and as someone recently labelled - "a driven, brilliant & beautiful beast unlike any other met". I'm still processing it.

The last few weeks with strategic partners has been exhilarating in that, even in apparent moments of sweating blood, there's seemingly no real hunger to going back to well paid, executive roles - unless ofcourse it's Ashish or Elon who have me on speed dial and payroll. This is the unspoken given, and just yesterday roared out loud between us stakeholders and associated entrepreneurs alike. The cause and our belief is far greater than any temporary challenge.

But back to business. A meeting with a retail giant, very simply indicated that organisations are demanding strategies that are first multi-level researched, innovative with impact and to form next strategies with existing and new clients. The strategic process needs to empower the entire value chain and which considers societal interests. Further, it's expected to be delivered with less bravado should the opportunity cost compromise honest efficacy, impact & innovation.

A great campaign, for example, with no real longevity or longstanding traction won't work. Neither will band aid reactions as a quick fix and to temporarily remedy what becomes glaringly ill down the line. Projects and collaborations innately connecting consciousness, advancing humanity, creating smart people/cities/things and geared towards making the world great, is the future language to create cultures that connect and which stay with brands.

A great project departure is perhaps in deciding today, on this World Aids Day, to address HIV Aids in your business capacity and in alignment with this years theme of Transparency, Accountability & Partnerships.

There's no fame in shame so let's really change this game.


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