Smile through 2018

Years ago, while working at a radio station,  my daily ritual would be a morning coffee,or three, at the same cafe and before heading to the office.

Daily I would see many of the same faces of which were bankers, lawyers and other corporate "suits" from the the surrounding business district. After a while of frequenting the place, the natural response would be a courteous greeting to the many familiar faces. Back then, I was super fit and maybe that had something to do with what I'm getting into.

One particular morning I walked into the nicest comment - "you're always smiling," said a seated stranger who I saw daily. More surprising, I hadn't realized I always was.

This was an icebreaker comment that lead to a friendship between a respected, elderly advocate and myself. It also lead to me introducing him, in a very short space of time, to an elderly female friend who he then went on to marry. I smile just thinking about my "cupid" moment.

I guess the simplicity of this post is directly related to the simplicity of a smile. 

It's effortless ( for most), it's free and it's powerfully liberating for you and whoever you choose to smile at. A smile can for a few seconds free you, and possibly the person you smiling with, of any potential challenges either or both may be facing. In 2018, let's smile more regardless of what we're dealing, or not dealing with.  It will surely make my morning drive in traffic more pleasant.

I also have to credit this post to a doctor who shared the most amazing video on the power of a smile. I can only say that I was elated watching a video which began with a women laying on grass smiling. The video zoomed outside of her immediate space, noting all distance and scale,  into actual space and beyond. It then rewound zooming into her eyes, pupils, veins and inner body workings noting the distance and scale again.

It ended with a message that outside of all magnificence, a smile measuring 10 cm's across the ladies beautiful face, was most magnificent. I agree.

I will share the video once I can convert the format. Till then, keep smiling through 2018. :)


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