Mahadi spoke.

All it takes is a U-turn to inner self – By Mahadi Moloi

As I've mentioned prior, many book's require's of me a different pace to get into them. Some longer than others, since more understanding and reflection is required to get into the story-line and into the head-space of the author. This read took me longer since it was a personal journey for me, the reader, while a very personal journey of the Author.

Mahadi Moloi’s , All it takes is a U-Turn to inner self , is firstly a religion based book. 

Mostly, it's a factual read of how this women went within the canvases of her own life experiences and tapped into her soul, relying on her faith based religion to take her through fires of heartache and eventually to a place of absolute restoration. An impressive read from this emerging author.

Clearly this smart women, whose life experiences which could easily have robbed her of so much, literally took a U-turn from the world as we know it, and stepped into her own soul instead. A journey in which she found her infinite source of strength that could only take her forward.

For an open minded reader, this book is beyond the religious tone and biblical verses. It is to me, a must read for any young women – of any faith – looking to be her own Hero first. As women and human-beings, we essentially are the same at the core.

The power of choice, the understanding of where real strength resides and how to go back to basics to build a rock solid foundation, is the common sentiment I share with Mahadi - making this read a reflective, refreshing and a highly recommended one.

Mahadi, as I have always experienced her to be, is exceptionally beautiful and delicate in stature (those stunning Moloi sisters!). Her eyes dazzle electrically and her skin is velvety. Her laugh is youthfully soft and her smile is indeed infectious. What I do know is that her beauty that meets anyone’s eyes, is indeed from a fountain of inner beauty and from a heart that hasn’t forgotten how to “feel”… even when life threw her stones.

A must read for every women – especially young ones with big dreams! (available online).

Much respect to you Mahadi.


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