Spoken by the Heart.. the rest of me followed.

There's so many certainties in Life with Sciences and Data on its side.

Recently I've made the time and allowed for head space, complimentary with some of my own personal developments, to sit down and to really allow things "to come to me" as they would prior. Now from a place of thriving Inspiration.

I looked out glass windows which gives me the privilege and honor to gaze at beautiful tree tops. Olive green colors amidst bursts of flowering yellow's and Jacaranda trees which competitively complete a purple pink sunset. All flowing naturally, timeously and mystically into the silver grey evening.

This day is given with honor to a loved family member who was buried earlier. It's also left me with a reflective resolve on the fragility and preciousness of Life. I trust her young daughters will be raised carefully into the beautifully impactful and grounded women that their great mother would have wanted them to be. I am also reminded of my own astounding mother who's well into her seventies and rocking it! As she had in her former years against every odd professionally or personally. My dad alike. I know it's important to honor parents, noting imperfections and ones own. It's simply knowing the focus.

You know some days, like this one, simply comes with conditions.

Note the beauty through the sadness. Be grateful but allow for some pretty hard self reflective questions. Demand to know why and know when to surrender respectfully.

But here I am again.. finally able to sit at a table ( also in the same today) and to focus on business in a way I can't necessarily say was the case the last 12 months.  Not to say that business, aspirations, deals or endeavors have not surprised impressively. However today I cannot help but feel overwhelmingly comfortable in knowing what matters most, for now, and how I foresee the meaning of my Life's expressions.

It's honest to say that I am here today as a culmination of all that is, was, was not, should have, shouldn't have been and which can Be. No deliberate, dressed up "notes to self" but general acknowledgments arriving to meet me as I am. As is intended. With effortless Grace.

Life is so beautiful and in-between this, it can find you so camouflaged with trouble at its core. This week took me being exposed to kids ,which left me bursting with more enthusiasm of possibilities as experienced by me, because of them being how human's essentially were created to be. It also took me listening to other kids broach the subject of their mothers death.

" How could she leave us knowing we're so small?"
" I could see that she was dying. I knew she was dying."

This day, and days filled with its own terms and conditions, leaves me wondering.

Even the stuff I believe I know, or knew, it's just all questionable in a reflective kind of way. Between emotion, professional breakthrough, plastering my friend with hugs on her return home and with me  sitting in a new, though temporary space which invokes new thoughts, I can say we actually don't know. Even if with all the data to support these questions.

Could climate change give us just one karmic decision on it's part that sees an unpredictable natural disaster changing everything that some of us take for granted? Could a personal choice have been the hardest, best decision made on my part to remind me of how wrong one person is?  Does revisiting a light space, wiser, after being the equivalent of a lovely toss salad make it okay for lessons and growth to come in a relatively self sacrificial way?

See death and children selfishly reminds us of many things.

For me it's in reminders of gratitude for people and opportunities. For my many blessings and rightful exits that were never destined for me to begin with. It's reminders of exploring always through the narrow gate filled with broad vision of possibilities. I am self reminded to stay humble. I am grateful for loved ones and all the disguised support along every way of my last 24 months. It's not unnoticed and won't be forgotten - ever.

I know loyal gestures are royally regarded in the scheme of blessings.

I am reminded that my Creator demands my attention first..and that my love of artistic expressions will always see me blessed in ways I can't make sense of...not just yet anyway.

The gift of Life is the ultimate Creative expression. And Death is its loud reminder.


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