Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 5

Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 5

I woke up reflective but relatively OK with the state of things. I enjoyed some music, which as you know, for me is another of my love languages.. and universally a tool known to connect people.

I have been consuming the news and updates at intervals instead of listening attentively throughout the day. It's just easier for me this way. I get to understand where things are without becoming too overcome or overwhelmed by the status of this virus with its gross impact. 

I got to do a few things and, while I am clear about whose opinions I listen to these days, I then received a call from a significant person whose opinion matters to me. Post the conversation I felt, what if -
 even with money and access, just what if we no longer have supplies because of global shortages? What if "life" decides money isn't the deciding factor any longer?

Anyway all these questions. Let's just pray and work however best we can in this time. I have been working non stop and been praying equally, if not more, non stop. I am fortunate my work ethic has me still working on deals in this time and with iconic business leaders. I feel blessed too. Lets see.

Lastly -

I received these great things to do from the comfort of your home. ENJOY and lets take nothing for granted. Save amenities, plant veg gardens, store and preserve. As always, use water wisely ...

Signing off. M

• Anne Franke Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands -
• British Museum, London -
• Guggenheim, Bilbao, Spain -
• Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia -
• Louvre Museum Paris -
• MASP, Sao Paolo, Brazil -
• Musée d’Orsay, Paris -
• National Gallery Of Arts, Washington DC -
• National Museum Of US Air Forces -
• Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands -
• Royal Academy Of Arts, London -
• The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, United States -
• The National Museum of Computing on Bletchley Park -
• Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy -
• Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands -
• Women's History Museum, Virginia, USA -
• Yale Centre For British Art -

Tourist Destinations
• Colosseum, Rome - 
• Stonehenge - 
• Street Art with Google -
• Taj Mahal, Agra, India - 
• Tour of Rome, Italy - 

General Sites
• AirPano -
• Berliner Philharominker -
• ExoPlanets NASA -
• NASA, Langley Research Centre -
• Walt Disney Parks - 

• Live Cams -
• Florida Aquarium -
• Hirakawa Zoo, Japan -
• International Wolf Centre -
• National Aquarium, USA -
• National Zoo, Washington DC -
• Osaka Zoo -
• San Diego, California, Zoo -
• Smithsonian, Washington DC -


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