Get under my SKIN!


What's not to love about skin?  The thought of touch or the individual scent unique to each one. However intimate or innocent, skin matters to me.

More so my own.

Before I share some of my recent activities on my skin journey, it's important to say that mine started with a bestie and a trip. The rest is just visible history.

I exercise regularly but not as often as I used to just last year. While I eat relatively consciously through my few, daily bad habits (I love chocolate and coffee!), I'm a vegetarian for over 20 years. I enjoy an occasional glass of wine or whiskey and an annual cigar.  I'm fussy about being exposed to poor air (I literally distance myself in the company of smoker's) and I never sleep with makeup or without taking a shower and moisturizing at bedtime.

Mostly though, I identify with being the owner of a 24/7 "always on" startup that stresses me 24/7 for all the right and wrong reasons!

All in all, you could say that I am fairly healthy but my skin just failed to show it. Maybe it was the  daily doses of chocolate, coffee, business stresses, lack of sleep, more coffee, more stress! I can't say what caused my discomfort with my skin, but I was not happy with it even through my good skin regime.

I had superficial acne scars on my face and my once pretty "smile lines" which complemented my single dimple were just no longer pretty at 40 years old!

It was Dermafrica who partnered to address my skin challenges while noting my approach to beauty and in understanding my fixation with perfection not necessarily being beautiful to me. I felt grateful and reflective of many things.

I also thought -  "Marica do you want to embark on aesthetic corrective measures that would typically challenge your inside out approach to beauty?"

I answered myself with a resounding YES!

I agreed to minimal corrective measures without messing with my frown which I so dearly appreciate. My frown is my own take at Frida Kahlo so it's there to stay. It's also with thanks to my intellect that I have a naturally raised eyebrow. Those are all mine Dr. Johan!! :)

It was the expertise and under the guidance of Dr. Johan Botha for my slight Aptos Thread lift, together with Dr. Safeera Kholvadia. Dermafrica - as my preferred skin partner-  sponsored my Cosmelan Peel which I am currently undergoing, together with all my ongoing treatment.

I am Joburg based with Dr Johan only residing in Cape Town (but certainly not limited to it as he's a global trotter too). He paired me perfectly with the brilliant medical team at For Beautiful Life for the actual consultations and procedures. Every time I step into For Beautiful Life, we admire the art pieces in their space, sip good coffee and talk all things beautiful with life!

The next few weeks I will share more on what I experience with each treatment and how I still maintain  a full business schedule and social engagements.

With thanks to Dr. Botha, Dr. Kholvadia, Dr. Danhausser, Dr. Bester and to Louise.


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