Make $$$$$ while you Zzzzz!

So much is happening around us!

A very big part of me wants to consume the daily updates on a "need to know" basis purely to retain my focus and my sanity. Economically we are warned of crunch and are in full view of punches thrown globally.

A piece of news I did pick up on is how Sylvester Stallone hoped that he had kept the rights to Rocky films. In all fairness it was his every word and work which went into it. When I reflect on this I'm also urged to feel - maybe that's just the way it was meant to be!  Maybe his opportunity cost to take him from unknown to known.

I also think of the late Steve Jobs who was fired from the company he started. Not easy to understand what it must have felt like for him. I also personally know someone who, through a set of  extremely disheartening circumstances, was cornered into exiting a role which she was committed to and giving many late nights to. Not easy! None of these instances could have been for any one of these people. I say this with conviction but which also leads me to another set of thoughts.

History shows that through wars and depressions we still can reference and remember spirits who rose above circumstances financially,  professionally, through business etc. I use the word spirit to hone in on exactly that. The human spirit which can clearly kick into vision and prosper against every odd. Please make no mistake as I too am fully aware of the struggles facing many sectors, businesses, people, societies and which includes me. I'm not romanticizing genuine matters for concern by viewing them through my rose tinted, designer sunglasses. Nor am I sipping on any of my favorite rose flavored alcohol free drinks, with their potential to soothe me into any delusions about the realities we face as an Economy, a Society and as the Human Race.

I report into a global team weekly and have to explain the good, the bad and the promising. I understand all to well what it must feel like to work hard and to not see the results hoped for when envisaged, or to have outcomes so delayed that it only makes sense to plant new seeds. But I also get to celebrate breakthrough milestones and these moments feel amazing. I own them.

Owning your own position through business, innovation, free thought, contribution, your time and ownership rights is more relevant now than ever. More questionable and responsibility bearing too. On the subject of ownership, I believe I understand what your own eCommerce platform can lend too. This is even while I respect and am in admiration of leaders in the space of aggregated trading, eCommerce based marketplaces.

For God's sake, I developed IP 18+ months ago for multinational participation, eCommerce based marketplaces advocating open markets, new markets, "free trade"and more. The concept document was presented at some of the highest levels for consideration and shared freely with global minds too. If anything makes sense to me (mildly put and with humility), it's the power and possibilities of seamless trade for Entrepreneurs.

eCommerce seems, ceteris paribus, to promise this. And it's with this promise, I am deliberating the commission of my own eCommerce business in time and for variety of reasons. This is with a single "product" in mind.

When the time arrives to implement, assured it would be with eCommerce web leaders who pioneered and built some of the most sophisticated, aggressively accessed and daily traded eCommerce platforms. It will be with Thoughtcorp.

I have their proposal..let's see what I want to do next. Rose tinted sunglasses and rose flavored tea aside.


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