Launched what!

As you all know, we launched The Collab Movement today.

This is more a short and personal share from me but also a very, very, very, very, very big Thank You to all for making our launch day so meaningful.

Us, as a bunch of South Africans, got together to get a plan going and here we are -  right next to you, with you and for us all.

To co-found such an NGO for me took a bunch of commonly shared reasons and not much self convincing. In short we all wanted more. More for SA,  more for us and more opportunities happening all round. We want us to thrive as a Nation, to be a counterpart to leading economies and we felt that we can do this - with a plan.

For me personally the vision also stemmed from noting developments and challenges  in other Nations, while noting ours etc. It then got me thinking hey, we have similar issues but surely we can be delivering on economic building activities as they are too. Our diverse group shared the exact same sentiments, wants and needs and so starting The Collab Movement was very easy for all the co-founders.

To structure the way, our approach, the decided strategy I can say was not as easy in context of many things but we did it and brought it down to the principle idea of  Universal Economic Participation.

While the Media Statement on details more, again this is a plan which can only be achieved  all round with you.

We saw great numbers, questions and engagement  (eish guys my fingers are a bit numb from all the typing!) And again we Thank You!

What's next you ask?

A few new reveals in the next week's but as guided in the Media Statement, it's a process and according to a detailed plan.



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