It's no secret. We commercially represent RENLE Science and Technology domestically.

A Shanghai originating and stock exchange listed firm with Industrial Automation, Technical Innovation, Operational Intelligence and Energy application at its core. A firm which sees many global competitors trying to acquire them and which has been declined over their 20+year existence.

Perhaps the most important thing to mention here is that this particular mandate and contract was able to not only sustain us in tough economic times,  but allows me to personally and independent of them, reinvest in other domestic Impact projects.

The various points I'm making are perhaps that my ability to secure and to depend on "foreign investment" in my business for local commercial development and the ability to then reinvest in my country,  should leave you with more to think about.

I am also extremely proud to say that as a forward facing firm which RENLE is positioned as globally, the innovations and solutions they manufacture and provide for are born of their highly invested in Research and Development team. One hundred, if not more, of their staff complement focus strictly on R&D.

RENLE is the regarded sought after partner for complex industrial solutions and in challenged economies when industries need to still operate against challenges, they're the ideal partner.

I invite your Sector, Organisation, and team to have a look at ( HQ)  and ( RENLE Europe).

Those visiting /  exhibiting at the world's largest automation show in 2019 -SPS Nuremberg Germany - RENLE welcomes you to their exhibition showcase.


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