She Saves

She Knew, # her too, what she was dealing with. She knew rehabilitation there was none for what he suffered. Decency and sincerity..his own illness were words whose meaning he'd never understand and his much needed treatment would arrogantly be resisted. But he tested # her too on the meaning of so many words. She lived their meaning well while he struck her.

Not for any fifty + years was he about anyone else outside of himself. Maybe next December.  She should never hold her breath. He knows only what he needs and the rest is wallpaper he gets to use fast.

A good game which went on brilliantly for too long. She saw quickest. Kids! A show and maybe another mother to clean the farce ..finally retirement planning which she'd be groomed into provide for him. Nothing ever for anyone else. Just him first.

But.. She Saves.

It's now his life alone to fix and to figure out all by himself.

Maybe he'll be newly introduced to the honest meaning found in words Decency and Sincerity. Maybe he'll get what life really means.

Small Man Series - GBV


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