So the last week and a bit has not been easy for me and presumably any ordinary person who believes in this amazing and welcoming place which I also call home - South Africa.

I have put myself into my work as an entrepreneur has had to and without much other luxury than to focus to survive. Ofcourse to thrive is the goal because it simply means I can do so much more for so many others than I currently do.

Regardless I believe we do what we need to where we can and with what we have. It's something I was raised with. I believe in worrying about others enough to make my own life uncomfortable and somewhat stressful even when it could be the complete opposite.

Call me stupid ( oh wait some of you already did that...)  but I believe that when we simply spectate, especially when so much around us needs fixing, then we participate in perpetuating a problem.

So again, last week in particular was very hard to witness what people are capable of doing to other people. It was a terrible, sickening feeling for me and on many levels.

But I also knew that in the midst of witnessed and felt sadness I had to stand in the storm of reality and emotions to say -

I want welcoming, warm us to WIN.

I'm reminded of hope and possibilities when I look at this picture of Megan, wife to Prince Harry, seated just behind Serena's husband Alexis...who both attend a US open in support of legendary Serena Williams.

I am prepared to spectate if this is what it looks like because this picture alone, for me, speaks to so much more of what can be achieved together.

Our works cut out. Let's choose to WIN.


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