AD Astra ...Brad you Beauty...but WTF

Image result for ad astra brad pitt

So I watched AD Astra and Brad looks amazing. Healthy, refreshed, sad eyed.

My 1:30am thoughts post the movie, a special evening and with my long overdue bedtime.

That being that, I couldn't help but feel that Brad was futuristically ( I make my own words), realistically and personally poetic throughout the movie plot. It simply rallied too many of his own publicly known knowns. Was it a message for his own sons, his own ex's...was space the spaces and voids he felt and filled and floated through? I don't know. But what I can say is..I was confused.  Some people walked out the cinema.. not that I'd ever do that. I mean I'm just not the type to walk out on a man easily - and not one like Brad! Without saying much, his "fictional father" adventured beyond social constructs of father son relations deemed to be normal.

Brad donned the look of someone a few divorces and relational hardships later...which even makeup couldn't hide. It's natural for a person who feels and with eyes being the gateway to the soul. 

But back to the movie itself.

The opening scenes had me excited because it covered all the stuff I loosely speak about. Mars, Multi-planetry, high speed mass transportation, mirrored universes.  "Loosely" I say because what do I know about space exploration next to Elon ( ha ha...I'm audacious this way!). The Mars tunnel scenes immediately triggered the Boring Company's imagery and I later sat up thinking and saying to my beautiful company -

"Boy, isn't Elon quite something!"

We agreed.

Anyway, here's to Brad's slighty, obviously worn in but none the less in comeback mode. Here's to Elon and his "all that revolutionary stuff!". And here's to my own great company this evening :)

The movie plot sucked however I suggest you see it in support of Brad and to come to your own conclusions. The effects were good. Brad was very easy on the eye...but again!

The notion of a Poetic retort may make watching AD Astra slightly more acceptable.


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