Call me Carrie

Ok I know. First I asked you to # Call Me RBG. Then I told you to #Bring Me Jack Ma! 

And now.. I'm asking you to Call me Carrie. 

Lots of big asks, from all of you, but whom I so dearly appreciate. HOPE'fully you can appreciate that I'm a big person in a little (but not limited to) frame.

And why not call me Carrie? See I have this talent (yeah I know another one and I'm ok to express self-love when saying this). I'm able to apply and immerse my entire being into a subject matter and to take on a project, a business venture,  business partners, Sector's - Simultaneously- assuming all necessary roles with undiluted focus and vision. 

While on the ground, I like to seek insights, grow networks and to see things "aerially".  I also have a need that was developed through my upbringing and channeled when I wrote for ProfCopy clients as a side gig.

I like to engage my Imagination practically for business and then creatively through a bunch of artistic expressions for recreation. But it's all really one and the same.

And it’s with that, this space was created to Engage, Inform, Excite and to Entertain YOU. So while I have your Attention, I do want to keep you more than Curious. I want us to learn and to share. 
 Call it an Infinity and with mutual Affinity.

So why Carrie? Well, matters of the Heart (& while I'd like to say Soul but more aptly put it's) Sex have largely informed human behaviors and I want to talk  more about those things.

Firstly, I believe in my heart and am a hopeless more-mantic. Where I am interested, I tend to want more of the person I commit to. I want consistent mono relations (it’s all and only me baby!) AND - I want our monogrammed linen. 

So.When I don't see Quality efforts, monosyllabic visions of a future like "happily married" - I quit. I don't go there. 

And after being hopelessly in love and almost down two aisles, hopeless was the parting sentiment for all. They were nice but oh just so hopeless! ( now now Carrie!)

So, now while I get to see through things faster but with HOPE non the less, I rather spend time fully immersed in my other love languages. That includes fully committed to my business, my self-dev commitments and in good company with a few people conscious of time sacrifices.

I mean, it is in my business where I am offered quality thoughts, quality activities, and consistent quality Impact with Passion. Why leave that for less?

But since I am equally focused on the Humanities and think recent HIV stats are just ever worrisome - which leads me to the SEX implications and developments thereof, I will use this space to share my delight when I recently saw some multilateral investments of 1 Billion Euro to fight Aids, Malaria and HIV. Very impressive and leads me to thoughts of my own strategic synergies,  with new partner's, innovating with the intention to provide cost effective improvements for quality living to HIV infected persons.

So hopefully you take the key insights from this piece. And yes, no monogram linen, no nothing.

SEX is not a brag item, certainly not a bargaining tool & no casual affair. The repercussions in this day are beyond you who act this way. Just look at the HIV stats if you think I'm joking.

Happy weekend and much love. Spend both well.

( For Business writing requests and alignments -  coordinates via )


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