Dahm you Coffee

Friday around 4pm I decided to feet up on my day bed. I fell into a deep 'nap' ..subsequently missing an early dinner plan with a friend from Puma Energy.

I got up to 6-54pm and had to apologise to Anna with a reschedule to today instead. But here's the thing, I felt like and decided on having a coffee instead of a glass of wine at 9pm Friday. It's now 430 something Saturday  AM and I'm  still awake. I function well on little sleep and coffee is a well serving addiction...but these hours I'm unappreciative of.

Later this morning I attend an event where I needed to be attentive & good looking.

Dahm you Coffee...I'm both tired and now also afraid to sleep.. the possibilities of missing my next commitment.

Coffee is a drug. I've come to realise this.


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