Don't be a big Colic Baby Marica!

So last Saturday taught me a very basic but important lesson.

You sometimes have to get over how you feel since it may be in the greater interest of your growth!

The night before I slept like a colic baby. Up most of the night tossing and turning. I wanted to cry and inside I was since I knew the next day I had committed to a few things. I needed to be rested and good looking.

Instead I woke up feeling like both the baby and the parents to a colic baby! I was feeling drained with bags under my tired eyes.

So while I hated on my coffee intake the Friday night before and into early parts of the next morning, I immediately showered and knocked back a few good coffees. I was back in the game. Maybe no cape, but feeling like a bit more of myself.

My lunch plans came with it's own set of confusions and by then I missed an anticipated fashion conversation. Two commitments were missed. With this I decided to return a friends request to meet and got myself into joining their group of people. Some I knew and some newly founded. We headed out to a sunset watch with an early dinner plan.

The key lesson being that I was in no mood for much but had two very significant discussions with people whose insights contributed to my own new projects and business plans. I am glad that I decided to toss those colic feelings out & hours later was in conversation with a key person back from working backstage at Paris Fashion Week 2019.  I also met a very interesting female Investment Capitalist who I lunched with since then. Both varying, contributing insights are interesting for The Collab Movement's recently launched Apparel and for MaricaCo VC / Equity Investment thoughts.

So, while we all don't always feel like doing certain things, we really should get to them. Often the blessings, lessons and growth is on the other side of those feelings.  I have learnt this now a few times over.

Get over yourself and push forward however bad (or good you feel) .. & sometimes the faster the better!
Also leave aside, with acceptance, what you can't change.


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