I'm no Carrie Bradshaw but this Sex in our City!!

I like Ostriches. I'm told they have one partner for life. 

and to me that's romantic, it spells commitment and it is mature.
It's also better the chicken you do know than the foul play you'd rather not.

So. Friends have been forcing me to date! This is while they're dually sharing their own dating horror stories. I mean, how is one actually to come ( pun intended) to a sober place of pure, exclusive & hormonal euphoria this way?

That aside, I've had my own share of 'Mr. Big'. Ok Mr. Big's. I am 41 years old!  Steady relations with one or two older partners where marriage vows were almost shared and lingering glares ended happily (😁).

Happy as it all could have been (or clearly not!) those momentarily beautiful relations lingered away like a piece of silk in a gentle breeze. And it's ok because I fast learnt that the maturity I needed was not synonymous with the word 'Big' (like grow up already Man!).

And so matters of the organ ( my heart) are parked for now unless someone is allowed (own your life 😂) to seek me out.

See, I know I am a different sort of women and many are Alpha female's. Atticus 'Love her but leave her Wild'  comes to mind.

In my case, I'm proudly 'troublesome' in a relationship. I like to pay my own way but in being able to do so, I like having that not being taken for granted. I'm also no ones retirement plan. I am not materialistic but I do appreciate kind, beautiful gestures too. My love language is there's no pricetag on me so don't impress with paper (money, accolade etc).  I like to arrive at my own,  subtle deductions. The other major problem I present is - I do want to be on Forbes lists and maybe between Bill and Jeff  (no no not that way). Maybe on top of them all (on Forbes list you dirty minded buggers!).  So I need work life synergies as Jeff ( the 1 on top) calls it ..with a grown man who can appreciate ( handle!)  all this exclusively by my side.

And so. This current, casual approach to what could be dignified relations & by share of my own friends met experiences has me questioning alot and resisting alot too. As it is I work in male dominated environments and need to ward off unhealthy attention let alone in public places. It can feel like pubic places when I only want to eat my breakfast & you're staring me up or approach me.

But..more sadly -

Men.. Women.. Gender Fluid and infact the full gender spectrum are misbehaving - sexually- and in very concerning ways.

I think about very personal things when people meet on dating platforms. I wonder about harsh realities like risks of disease when people go about extremely significant matters as frivoulsly and ferociously as they do. Even from my own experience of being introduced to potential suitors, through common people and with minimal engagement, I'm left confused.

Again I don't judge but I do wonder.

So while behaviours from 'grown' men needed to be excused from my own world (where's the energy for non serving distractions) I can say that I am excited to be partnered with, in a business capacity, a team of brilliant Innovators whose Innovations will

1. Improve lives of HIV+ patients AND
2. Where I'll be speaking a whole lot more about Safe Sex in light of Point 1.

(For more on Mr. Big and my own satirical analogy please reference Sex and City)


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