Africa is my Heartbeat

Attending a Convocation Ceremony was amazing. The pedigree of excellence in education and impact championed by various stakeholders - noting the perceived struggle to achieve - makes me gratefully an African.

Yes, like the good words of our own former President Mbeki, I am an African. I will go on to say, I am gratefully an African.

Everything about the soil of Africa invigorates me ( as I believe it has my family) and be it by advocacy, impact work, realities, sadness or pride, Africa is my heart and where my personal investment and work will always truly belong - first.

Being an Entrepreneur is not easy. The fights to keep the lights on and to still transcend those challenges with deep rooted business beliefs makes it all overwhelming. Being a social entrepreneur and perhaps by most measures first, makes me understand just how important the need is for well intended funding to accelerate progress and equal prosperity for all.

To add to my entrepreneurial challenges because money is simply not enough to appease someone like me however much it may be required, there's often the struggle between fair business position which remains top priority for me and the integrity in maintaining interest of serving beyond myself.

Because most things are Human issues more than Business ones, right?

As you know, I initiated my business in a "reluctant" economy and fortunately holding on made unshakable sense for me even in very challenging times than to revert to a monthly corporate salary (with all respect to those who command one).

Is it easy - NO!   Is it worthwhile - YEP! I am tempted to spell YEP as UEP which as you may know is Universal Economic Participation and the founding principle of The Collab Movement (an NGO founded by a few of us back home who want to support the country and not to simply sit back complacent & complaining).

I'm also super positive about current economic activities which ultimately impacts entrepreneurs and while in the sound leadership of  President Ramaphosa.. and so for me who remains committed to entrepreneurship, innovation and to forward facing business sectors, this makes all the difference in my choices whatever the  business purse strings looks like - for now!

So since this is a quick piece from a hotel lobby and before I run out into 40 degrees of pure humidity and accompanied bliss, I will again say that as an entrepreneur who wants to be a major employer in my country and beyond, the work's cut out and we're ready!

But while I say this, I will also hold onto my position to defend the interest of  our Continent before any commercial, business transaction.

For some of us money is just a well serving tool to accelerate and to uplift all.

Happy Saturday.

PS- Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng remained the centre of admiration and discussion for majority of my long flight while seated next to a fellow South African and who I met for the first time. Eish, we're all such fans of The Chief! :)


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