This kid is Exceptional!

And that makes me wonder how brilliant kids turn out as adults by societies standards of termed 'disfunct'?

Presuming it is already complex enough being an IQ abundant adult and from my own witness of the high in IQ,  the more there is, the more room too in being brilliantly misunderstood.

Complicated by nature of intellect, I am led to believe that prodigy kids makes for perceivably 'highly complicated' adults to be experienced by others mildly or blatantly so.

Genius persons can be complicated as a result of their own understanding of selves, first, through fact of over intellectual capacity and mental activities expressed dually and combined with multi talents. These all can be shared intensly and simultaneously as I have seen and -

it all can be misunderstood, overwhelming and complicated to ones own understanding of their genius self.

With no reference to the few actual geniuses I know and by MENSA Global IQ society standards, this thought provoked piece is inspired by the 9 year old grad and is independent of my opinion, understanding and relations to my own freaks of genius nature.


With this, there is no better time to be alive since geniuses walk and starting at tender ages. Give the ones you're lucky enough to experience a break since they too may not understand how to manage their own power. Not yet anyway.


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