Innovation and me in 2019

I believe that every single item you enjoy in any capacity today initially would have frightened the conservative or excited the early adopters when presented before its invention or at concept phase.

And nothing much has changed in the human reception of pioneering  innovations.  Now the playfields are broadest and inclusive of super technologies and with developements based on notions ( and through absolutes established from data) of what people need and certainly of what we want.

Design thinking, Industrial Design and bridging what's possible between nature and technologies makes current  innovations some of the greatest delivered to humans.

To appease human nature, a bunch of add on's to core innovations have been factored in to engage the senses keeping you convinced and connected till innovation supersession does you part.

I'm told that great tech and design connects with you easily and even before you  consider it. This is seen with psyche interpretation playing its own part and, for example, how restaurants of the future will be able to determine your feelings and thoughts proceeding to make fitting order suggestions.

You won't even realise it but something would have read your thoughts - literally.
Innovation, and for some,  Invasion at its best.

On a separate note, my past week also saw a former employer and colleague, Jens Martin Skibsted, win a gold at Germany Design Awards for his Electric Vehicle - Biomega's SIN launched in Singapore earlier. It was also through Jens that I got my introduction and dose of Innovation & Design from Africa even though I was already close to innovation centric fraternities in SA directly and indirectly. His insights & platforms just hit the ball out the park in terms of what I got to see, learn and to know of great innovations.

Elon' s new drop also lent to an impressive week.

Innovation in the space of basic human needs also sees me head out soon to another country where the developments could possibly take humans, through industry & basic intervention, to a well being considered as next level.  It is exploratory and at pilot stage. Let's see.

Earlier this year you'll recall me being exposed to (and the reason for heading to Dubai) where a group from Europe converged and I was invited to consider a part relocation for a blockchain based and lifestyle centred innovation. I knew a lot more than presented on Blockchain thanks to and after attending the Swiss SA Blockchain event at the JSE which made me  ask the right questions.

All in all..

I will say that 2019 was a year of Innovation from start to end for me.  This upcoming week also sees Renle launch its battery energy storage systems too. A big global shift in energy considerations and in the space of clean energy options.

I know that I want for my 2020 and beyond - great Innovations to continue to impact lives positively,  to unite us through human connection & in aiming to make lives happier by providing solutions to critical and basic global human needs.

In making the world a better one for us all.

Have a great week ahead.



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