My Life's a Gallery

For the longest time I felt I had to have my life planned in accordance with a certain set of self imposed outcomes. Marry, kids, sunsets, career, beautiful smiley eyed husband and with a manicured garden whose water sprinklers threw suns rays as rainbows. Things perceived to be normal by everyday standards.

But with age and time, everyday proved a new set of realities to wise up to.

I fast realised that I could eyegaze at myself in the mirror and be okay with my life, my choices ( however concious or not) and with honesty.

Things don't go as we plan. And it's ok.

I've come to view things, matters of life and more my own, as a private gallery made up of different exhibitions.

A gallery where I am the curator and the observer. Mostly allowing life & people to show up showing me who they are and what they're capable of.

These days I listen more carefully and don't always feel the need to comment or air my dislikes or disapproval of things even if found to be working against me.

What should I defend? For the purpose of who and for what if no benefits beyond myself?

I'm always going to choose inspiration, hope and belief and have in some of the most criticle junctures when it would have been easier to cut the canvas. This frame of mind allows me to have life pictures of things and character profiles of people as their paintings displayed in my life gallery.

It's truly a case of people being allowed to be themselves to show up and display in form and colors as they wish. Some pieces (people) and exhibitions (stages in my life) can be truly abstract too.  And with that, my life gallery also has clear exit signs. So anything expired by nature of disrespect is expected to see itself out. You could say A dignified self usher out of my life gallery.

So to observe is great and to simply relax into a state of non defense and  without  defeat- for me allows mirror truths. I like who I am. I am unapologetic for my truths and I'm always ok to apologise - first.

I don't need to be a certain way to be accepted and I don't allow anyone to have their way with me if it doesn't afford decency I hold accountable to myself first.

But like any exhibition, it's all timed and placed.

Goodmorning :)
331am thoughts


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