The Price of Pricing Right

Every single one of my 41years I can say that I have given more than I've expected, more than I could have received..more than I should have taken! (& I'm no Mother Theresa).

In my career, however simple or sophisticated the role or ask, it's always been willing and happy to over- commit on my part.  Extra hours, more responsibility than I signed up for, accepting the challenges.. surviving the 'attacks' on multiple & simultaneous levels too. It's been major sacrifices with often little support or so it seemed at the time. The satisfaction always means more than the money but money is the enabler. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

My self therapy on my own living room couch most days is...

Marica this is grooming you for the F list which you believe your work belongs on. And F-up list it's not!

Through all major and minor vulnerabilities I am always able to say that I will be on the Forbes list. Yes you've heard me right. List, not Cover.
(covers aren't really my thing though I did get a few times how I should try do a Harper's bla-blah).

But back to F/ups because with all mine ( a recent visa challenge is not one of them!)  survival of challenges has afforded me the art of thinking through the fires safely to the other side. Often bouncing back quicker & into better planning ..with solutions & a renewal of spirit & mind.

But am I tired of the seemingly constant by Entrepreneurial standards -

 ' what now Marica?'

Honestly,  I can answer with a momentarily and short-lived ' Yes!'

I tire and as you do hear me say, Entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted.  It's really not. With this though, my trust in all our activities goes far beyond belief in simply my own capabilities. There has to be more of where all this comes from and belongs.  The same source of inspiration is the same to surrender to when I weary. And fortunately for me, the solutions comes and forward we are raised to newer heights.

And so as the year draws towards the 12th month, I will take moments to pause but there will be no business R&R. Not in this economy and not ever for me anyway.

I will say that the price of 2020 Pricing Right is a definate to expect. We give partners the quality they appreciate, there's an always on, open door and call any time you need to ethos. And since we give you relevant access too, this comes at a premium.

After all, it's money which enables vision and my vision doesn't end with me as the end goal.

Have a wonderful weekend.


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