Melina the brilliant little girl Bee gets after school detention - by marica

(This is a short story series for kids. Suggested ages of between 2-7 years old )

Melina the brilliant little girl bee always struggled to focus in her one lesson. It was a lesson which taught kiddie bees how their choices can affect many other things in the bee village of Semyai.

See in this lesson, Kiddie bees were taught just how their every day choices and basic things like the clothes they wear, the places parent bees work in or stores they own, where they spend bee-coins and even how their fish fillet got to their dinner plates all plays a very important role. Indeed it was in  her economics for beginner bees lesson that Melina bee really struggled to focus most.

But it wasn't because she disliked this lesson. Not at all. It was infact the exact opposite!

Melina bee struggle to focus because she thoroughly enjoyed what teacher Maple bee taught in her economics lesson! Teacher Maple bee would start a topic which immediately got Melina bee so curious that many other thoughts then overtook her as it did in one particular economics lesson.

Melina bee listening very carefully but surely not careful enough to teacher Maple bees voice as to why it was important for everyone in the bee village to work and to survive, found herself  starring out the window where she next imagined herself in a very important place.

Melina bee drifted off into her own imaginary firm and office space. It must have been teacher Maple's emphasis on the working world  which landed Melina bee in one too. Suddenly she was with a team of other bees in a large and colorful workspace. It was a delightful space and where everyone smiled and talked to one another. The space was comfortable and with such great colors, lots of sunlight and comfortable furniture. The main wall had a big sign  lit in neon with the words "Bees in Community Bee-come Better ".
It didn't make sense to Melina bee.

"How can work seem like such fun and still be serious?" thought Melina bee as she watched everyone have snacks at the snack bar and free coolies on tap then returning to their digital devices to continue with their work. Daily Melina bee became more fascinated with the working world. Some of the worker bees even came into work at times they wanted and left long after the sunset. No one even had to tell them what they had to do. The worker bees just knew what was required and while they worked they had so much of fun. On some days all the boy bees even came to work in bee boardies and went to the river for a quick swim and back to their digital devices to pick up on work where they left off.

So with all the working world thoughts and teamwork as well as great workspaces, Melina bee completely forgot she was in her economics for beginner bees lesson. So much so that it must have been in her imaginary work which she drifted off into that she had some thought making her yell-

"I'd love to hit the river with you all. Give me 5 minutes to finish this email and to get into my swimming costume!"

Melina immediately was brought right back into her economics class and lesson when teacher Maple bee screeched -

"Melina bee! There will be no such. It's after school detention for you young bee!"

The end.

( That's it for today kiddies. Remember in 2020 to always ask questions and especially on why things happen a certain way. Also never forget to read and to imagine great things!)


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