Melina the brilliant little girl Bee attends the Honeycomb Festival with hopes of becoming a Bee-llionaire - by marica

(This is a short story series for kids. Suggested ages of between 2-7 years old )

Semyai, the bee village found somewhere in beautiful South Africa, was known for its annual Honeycomb Festival.

This was one day in the year which every bee and family prepared for and looked forward to. The entire bee village with its community would ensure that no one missed this very special day which united everyone through love, laughter and conversations on how to be a better bee community for the next years to come. See everyone knew that it was important for all bees to unite and to talk about the things which needed fixing, as well as to celebrate the things that were loved by all in the bee village. Every bee understood, almost as part of the Semyai village's secret culture, that through talking to one another everyone better understood each other. But that was not all to this special day.

No matter the bees age, everyone prepared months before for the Honeycomb Festival which also saw everyone come together to share a meal, to exchange ideas and to help one another in any way needed. There were so many great things for sale and fun things to do. The Honeycomb Festival involved adult bees and young kiddie bees making special items which were displayed in the market to sell. There were special games shared by elder bees which they played as kiddie bees themselves. This allowed the younger bees to take a try at them too and in understanding just how hard it was, the kiddie bees admired and respected the elder bees even more.  The mother bees also had they share of fun and laughter and in sharing stories of when their land was beautiful and free of pollution. They shared with kiddie bees simple ways to nurture Semyai village and to keep it beautiful and pollution free through easy daily practices.

The Honeycomb Festival was truly a day which had everyone excited and including the grumpy candy store owner Mr. Gaiya. On Honeycomb Festival he would build his candy stall from real Honeycomb. At the end of the festival he would allow all the kiddie bees to eat down the honeycomb walls and stall structure. It was seen to be very generous of Mr. Gaiya who usually would not give anyone a single sweet for free.

Oh Melina the brilliant little girl bee was especially excited for this years Honeycomb Festival. For months now she was thinking of ideas on just how to earn some extra Bee-coins, a crypto-currency used by the bee community, from the Honeycomb Festival which would allow her to continue with  her own little business for throughout the year.

See Melina bee understood that her parents had many, many monthly expenses such as paying for  their school fees and to buy food and many other things which their bee family needed. Melina bee really didn't want to trouble her parents for any extra's like Bee-coins to start her own little business. Besides, Melina bee was taught by her mama bee from very young to have her own ideas and to always show great enthusiasm and initiative in starting whatever it is she wished too. And in remembering this, Melina bee was filled with questions and motivation to be more than just a little girl bee.

So with Melina bee counting down to the Honeycomb Festival,  for months before she drafted ideas in her journal of what would be her perfect business idea for the Honeycomb Festival. First Melina bee thought that making something for kiddie bees would be great because she knew exactly what most bees her age wanted. But then she had to think about what their parents may or may not allow  and if they could even afford to purchase what she was selling.

First Melina bee thought about adding to socks a special finish unique to each girl bee.

"But then what about the boy bees?" wondered Melina bee. "They may not like fancy socks as girl bees do. Or will they?" she thought.

Melina bee really didn't want to exclude anyone from considering her products for sale because she understood as a girl bee just how terrible it felt when boy bees excluded the girl bees in their games played or in their boy bee club contests.

"Maybe they were afraid the girl bees would win at everything" chuckled Melina bee.

But then she quickly reminded herself that every bee is capable of achieving anything whether it was a girl bee or boy bee. So with sock trinkets not being an option for selling at the Honeycomb Festival, Melina bee decided to move onto another idea. "Hmmmnn, what does everyone like?" Melina bee asked herself.
See with Melina bee knowing everyone in her village and in her taking the time to really understand each unique person by speaking with them, Melina bee decided that a food item would be best to sell.  Melina bee wrote down all the possibilities of what everyone may like.

"It could be sweet but not too sugary. A bit of herbs but not too healthy and still yummy. A fun and easy to carry treat" thought Melina bee.

After much writing, thinking and shortlisting of ideas,  Melina bee felt she had found a good enough idea that could sell. Melina bee knew every bee in Semyai village loved the outdoor movies held on Friday night's. When she thought a little longer about every person and what they carried in their movie treats baskets, almost every bees treats included popcorn.

"That's it! I'll do popcorn and sell them with homemade flavored toppings which only I can make" smiled Melina bee shrewdly to herself.

If this goes well at the Honeycomb Festival and I continue with my small business, I could even become the first girl bee-llionaire known to Semyai. There was no stopping Melina bee as she championed on with her plans. Flavors, flavors, flavors! she thought as she paced her bedroom anxiously.

"There could be banana cinnamon and coconut sugar. Definitely we need a chocolate, peppermint and marshmallow drizzle. Oh certainly a granny bee would want a plain Milk-tart and Nutmeg dipper flavor. And for the less sweet options, there would be a basil pesto,  sunripe tomato sprinkle and both with spicy seaweed salt"  thought Melina bee.

Melina bee wanted to get her popcorn stand ready for selling the perfect mix of popcorn with toppings for most bees to buy at the Honeycomb Festival and which would have the entire village wanting more throughout the year. But only one little challenge concerned Melina the brilliant little girl bee.

With limited savings earned from her daily chores  Melina bee worried about how to buy the ingredients for all these flavors. Very quickly Melina bee knew she needed to get some advice from an expert who knew how to do alot and with a little bit of money. Melina bee  rushed over to speak to her mama bee and  there she stood asking -

"Mama bee can you please help me plan so I can sell flavored popcorn at the Honeycomb Festival?"

Initially mama bee felt she has a big challenge on her hands with this request. See mama bee understood her daughter very well and knew Melina bee would certainly want to work all through the night to make the perfect popcorn and toppings to sell at the Honeycomb Festival. This also meant mama bee would have to be with her too.

With hesitance but quickly remembering just how much she encouraged all her children to have extra income from jobs and ideas which did not interfere with their school mama bee said -

"Sure Melina my brilliant bee child".

Melina bee gushed over to thanked her mama bee and they set out to deliver a perfect popcorn for a perfect Honeycomb Festival. And when the day finally arrived, Melina bee smiled with happiness and pride because the entire  village and its community bought all the popcorn with toppings Melina bee made. Every bee congratulated Melina bee for her great flavors, the way the popcorn was packaged and for being able to pop every kernel. For that part Melina bee knew she couldn't have taken all the compliments and thanked mama bee for helping her.

With lots of Bee-Coins earned from the Honeycomb Festival, Melina bee got both herself  and her mama bee a small celebratory reward for their belief and their work. The rest of Melina bees earnings was saved for what would become Melina bees little weekend business for the rest of the year.

The end.

( That's it kiddies. Remember to ask lots of questions and to always think of new ideas and ways of doing things.But make sure your parents know all about it first. You can find out more on  Melina bees weekend business in the next stories. Happy reading).


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