Melina the brilliant little girl Bee and her day watching the rain - by marica

(This is a short story series for kids, Suggested ages of between 2-7 years old )

It was raining and Melina the girl bee sat looking out the window of her room. She sat there feeling sad for not being able to go outside and hoped the rain would stop soon so that she could go into the village to explore. Melina bee loved being outside daily and to ask many questions. She also liked to be outside and often alone simply to look at things and to think about many things. But Melina bee knew being inside while it rained would mean she also couldn't get to see some of the daily villagers who she loved spending time with and who loved to spend time with Melina bee too.

Melina bee sat there thinking about Mrs. Sheila bee who would always welcome Melina bee into her wool and yarn shop explaining how many wool types were made. Melina bee loved touching and feeling the textures of things and she would enjoy squeezing the mohair wool the most. Melina bee  would giggle on her way out asking Mrs. Sheila if she could have her bedroom bed made out of a mountain of mohair wool. Mrs. Sheila would simply giggle at the thought and say "now now Melina bee, that would be an awesome bed wouldn't it just".

As much as the raindrops which fell, Melina bee had as many thoughts.

Melina bee also thought about her favorite food place in the village which made yummy fruit shakes and which she often was lucky enough to try a new flavor for free. See the owner of this food place, Miss Naledi bee, knew Melina bee would ask all the right questions which would help her business. Often Miss Naledi on seeing Melina bee pass her stop would run out and call her.
"Melina bee, I have a treat for you. Come on in".
See Miss Naledi was a very clever shop owner and knew that by offering Melina the brilliant girl bee a free shake, Melina bee would ask her many questions. And it would be these questions that would help Miss Naledi to make the perfect fruit shake for all the bees families and their kids who would come in to buy them.

As Melina bee sat in her bedroom hoping for the rain to stop she looked up at the fluffy grey clouds and thought what liquorice candy floss may taste like. All the grey clouds looked like grey candy floss so Melina bee decided to suggest to Mr. Gaiya bee, the candy shop owner, to make a liquorice candy floss as it may have less sugar in it than the cherry floss does.  And since mama bee always reminds her that less sugar means its healthy for your bee body, Melina bee knew it was a good idea to speak to Mr. Gaiya about.

Still feeling restless inside her room no matter how much her thoughts wandered and kept her entertained, Melina bee knew the rain was not going to stop anytime soon. So instead Melina bee decided to look out the window and to think about all the things the rain was needed for.

Melina bee learnt in school just how important water is for many things and so the rain too is very important. Melina bee thought about how water was needed for the fruit trees to grow from seeds into big leafy green trees bearing fleshy, juicy fruit which she loved eating. The same fruit that's needed by Miss Naledi to blend into fruit shakes and to sell in her shop.  The rain also made the rivers full and Melina bee then was reminded that rivers had to be full for her and the village bees to swim in.

It was also from the full rivers that the village bees and their families had water in their homes to bath, cook, to drink and to survive with.

"Rainwater was very very important" thought Melina bee. And so as each drop of rain splashed onto the ground, Melina bee was reminded that rain was food for the earth to keep the soil healthy for vegetables to grow and where the cows find their food from too. Melina bee was now very much enjoying looking out her bedroom window and at the rain.
As she watched all the raindrops fall to the ground she knew that if it weren't for the rain then so many things she loved would just not happen.

Melina bee gazing through her pretty, large brown eyes feeling grateful for the rain suddenly jumped to her feet with a thought!

Melina bee wondered what raindrops tastes like!

She very quickly knew that she wanted to stand in the rain with her mouth open to taste them! But Melina bee also knew that her mama bee would not allow such since she would get totally drenched from the pouring rain. But Melina being the brilliant girl bee that she was had another bright idea. She thought -

"I would sneak out my bedroom window just to taste a few raindrops and then sneak back in very quickly. This way mama bee would not be upset and I will still know what raindrops tastes like!"

So Melina bee very quietly and carefully decided to reach out to the window lever to open it when mama bee called out -

"Melina bee it's bath time. I need you in the bathtub now before your bathwater gets cold!"

Ahhh moaned Melina bee to herself as she headed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Mama bee must really have eyes behind her head and my thoughts must really be too loud".

The end.

( That's it for now kiddies. Remember not to waste water and to never stop asking questions. From Melina bee and the entire bee village - Happy Holidays!)


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