Melina the brilliant little girl Bee is happiest playing with all bees - by marica

(This is a short story series for kids. Suggested ages of between 2-7 years old )

Melina the brilliant little girl bee enjoys asking questions of her own and to try new things.  But Melina also knows that she has to listen to her parents on what to look out for and to be careful of. Melina bee has accepted these to be the family home rules and to be obeyed until she becomes a young adult bee and leaves to independently build the bee empire she believes in.

You may remember that Melina bee just loves to talk to  and play with other bees in the village. This is no matter who they are and as long as her mama and papa bee agree with the company she keeps. See the bee village has all types of bees. Some bees look different and have larger wings and different colored bee feet and eyes. Some have different ways of thanking the Creator Bee for their bee lives which also means they take certain days off in the year to celebrate their specific cultural events. Many bee families have different types of foods they eat and which they don't eat as part of their bee-liefs. But this doesn't mean that there aren't drinks and food which all bees can commonly share and enjoy. Many bees also prefer some leaders in the village over others who are keeping it working daily. Many bees dress a certain way and many don't want to. This is just the way things are in Melina bees village. And it's perfect as it is. It's bee life and Melina bee doesn't concern herself with any of those bee differences. Melina bee actually loves the different types of bees there are because she feels it keeps the village interesting. It could also be because Melina bee sees that when all bees get along as bees who respect each other, it takes only a few minutes for all those things which makes them different to simply disappear. What Melina bee also understands very well is that it's for all bees to truly try to love and to respect each other equally no matter how hard it feels for some bees.  Melina bee's mama and papa bee showed her these values through their own actions long before she could walk or even fly. So Melina bee is very grateful to her parents for being wonderful examples to her.

It was on one sunny afternoon while Melina bee was out for  her playtime venture and after completing her homework, that she and a little boy bee had a sudden mishap. See Melina bee was rushing to get to the other side of bee town to meet a friend for their favorite unicorn bubblegum milkshake when she and a boy bee on his skate board bumped straight into one another. Each going too fast to stop, both had knocked directly into one another and where each were left with a sore forehead.

Ouch! cried each while taking a few minutes to recover from their dizziness. Feeling annoyed and rubbing their own little foreheads with one eye closed while peaking through their open eyes,  the boy bee went first at saying something about the accident.

"Hey! Couldn't you see where you're running or are you just another blind girl bee!" he yelled.

Angry, frowning, walking closer towards him and looking straight into his fluttering eyes which were still trying to focus from their bump,  Melina bee replied  pursing her lips in a firm but somewhat softer tone -

"Hey you back! Could you not see where you were going? You almost knocked me off my feet and into the street where an electric vehicle could easily run me over!"

"Listen here girl bee! You can't walk properly because you're just a fancy girl bee and who's more concerned about your pretty shoes. Or could it be that you're just careless like the rest of your tribe!"

Both becoming seemingly angrier as they stood centimeters apart and staring at one another, Melina bee was ready to stamp her feet and yell her immediate thoughts out loud. But just like that and as always seemed to be the case when she was about to yell, an image of her mama bee entered her mind. There was her dear mama bee with one hand on her waist and the other pointing a finger of warning reminding Melina bee to respect bees.   More than that, reminding her to respect especially those bees who showed disrespect foolishly.

'Not again!' thought Melina bee who was convinced that her mama bee existed everywhere since she always seemed to know what the brilliant girl bee was up to.

It felt hard for Melina bee to not be upset with this boy bee who was being very rude and about so many things. He was nasty about her being a girl bee with pretty shoes and then he made terrible remarks about her tribe. See the Yahzuzi tribe that Melina bee belonged to could be identified by their very specific birth spot found on each bees right cheek. It was small and resembled a wavelength symbol.

Standing firm, Melina bee decided to take a few deep and concentrated breaths before she replied to the boy bee. This was a trick one precious bee friend taught Melina bee. It seemed to have worked very well over the years of trying it and so five deep breathes later, Melina bee said -

"Look, I know accidents happen and sometimes we each should be a bit more careful to avoid them. But since we have already bumped foreheads, it doesn't make it a good reason to yell at one another. It's also not good to look down on me for being a girl bee and to make rude remarks because I am wearing nice shoes and since I am a Yahzuzi !"

The boy bee stood there surprised as he listened . Maybe he didn't expect a polite and reasonable response, so taking a few steps back from Melina bee, he said -

"You're right and I'm sorry that I picked on you for what was an honest mistake. I'll buzz of".

Both smiling proudly for apologizing, each continued on their paths and this time a little more careful to not repeat the same bumping of foreheads with anyone else.

The end.

( That's it kiddies. I hope that you are enjoying the new year and remembering to always ask questions. It's also good to sometimes say sorry first even if it's not your fault. Also remember to keep imagining and to listen to all your parents warnings while you're still living with them.)


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