What's love got to do with it..
EVERYTHING. Love has everything to do with it.

Love feels really good. It's not meant to hurt. And in some famous words - No woman no cry. But this really doesn't seem to be the case.
So guys, many women seem to be experiencing more demands from their husband's and families in this time. It's as if they're not human-beings themselves. It always seems to be taken for granted that because a women can do so much, that its expected for her to do so and all by herself. Nope. Hate to dismiss that fallacy fast. Men, man up. Show up and please show up well. I mean -
What's the deal with some guys? And especially with those who can't seem to treat any women right. Females are complaining in this lock-down time and guys and it's not looking good. Lock down is a time to value the people who matter. It's also a good time to unlearn untidiness, unfair expectations and any abusive tendencies which shows up in any form.
Global stats shows increased domestic abuse cases. Not great! Why should home be a place of abuse? Doesn't the world offer enough of that?Why must one person go all the way in trying because some couch potato can't help around the house too? Or can't he actually speak better to his wife and children? And please don't read into this as if I am projecting or providing any insights of a personal nature because I'm not. What I'm also not saying is that us women are perfect. By no means should you leave reading this piece thinking that this is what's meant. You'll be horribly wrong.
Women have been known to break their own good homes, having affairs on their extremely kind, good and mildly imperfect husbands. Worst, extramarital affairs out of selfishness and with men who were never committed to anything except their own selfishness too. Women have also had issues with addictions and attacked their husbands for years and it's been men who then had to cope and rear children single handed. Women, we're certainly not perfect and that syndrome of "queening with feelings of over entitlement bordering laziness with demand mentality" - simply needs to go!
Seems alot of other things needs to be fixed in this time.
Signing out with appreciation.