A Virus, a Friend and a Vision

The last weeks we've seen the world slowly but then extremely rapidly unfold into a great sense of urgency. History will have nations remembered for various reasons. For some, it's in their story of stigma and social discrimination. For others it's the tragedy in the numbers who lost their lives. And for those not yet affected, please do not be remembered for your complacency in taking Global cues and warnings on preventions or interventions.

What's most noteworthy for me is that whether we like it or not, whether we are in leadership roles or not, whether we sit on the same side politically or not, whether we are established economies or not - this Corona Virus -


It will come after you professional athlete and yes you too Presidential spouse...and man on the street you ...Oh, most sadly so,  it's you who's so susceptible. And it all can be limited with something as simple as a hand-wash and a few basic rules to follow.

As for me. I have been distanced. Usually slightly distant on my part because I am always preoccupied by vision and "next's" or challenges and "now what". More often than not it's preoccupation by both. But this time I've been distanced. The type of social isolation that only a few regarded professors, innovative minds and me can conjure up. We stuck together and are here knowing that this Corona curse is also  a blessing to rethink how we do things. How we live, what we consider and what's the opportunity cost. Since our misbehaving has us all facing the naughty corner of our homes through city lock-downs and forced distancing.

So how is it, now that we understand just how much bigger some things can be than us,  will we choose to live, to do business and to integrate with nature who we found here before our not so grand arrivals? Because for sure, there is loss and will be many more given the facts, the challenges and the nature of this virus. But Humanity will survive. And with that, what world are we designing for? How will we respect a new world reset and currently as very shaken lot of people? All my questions and since I will always write first as a business mind and while equally shook...

I know we cannot continue to be the same business people or industries developing for the same needs and transacting with the same business models and ways while the entire world we knew just metamorphosed



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