Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 1

Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 1

Today is, well, like any other day. A bit restricted, a bit challenged, a bit busy.

All in all it's been eerily silent. As if you could feel the silence, concern and sadness. Or as if you could feel the prayer. Today is officially South Africa's National Day of Prayer which for me, is more important than any other wants for this day even if I, like you too, am challenged by my lack in humanly wants and needs. At some stage the "flesh" has to take the backseat.

I started with some remote work, knew the date to be significant for various reasons and proceeded to work interested in no more or less than my work at hand.

Something came to mind and I read a bit of Elanor Roosevelt's life. A brief overview.

The strange thing is, ordinarily I'd love to be indoors and with no desire to be out but today, today was subtly rebellious on my part. I would not break the rules for any reason since I value the well-being of my country far greater than myself and I respect the seriousness of this pandemic.

But today, an official first day of country lockdown - I wanted to be out . I wanted to escape!

Ofcourse I stayed in but interestingly I observed and wondered if I am inherently a bit rebellious and thought of what teenagers can currently be to families who are now cocooned. I listened to some content and included that of a major retailer's CEO brought to tears on radio for being unable to pay suppliers. He expressed that the group were only able to pay staff which lead me to question if CEO's in such instances would still be getting their full salaries or not?

The sun sets in and dusk brings me closer to a few thoughts while I listen to The Best of Chopin.

With technology and access, can we really not be working remotely? Can we not find a way?

I can't help but feel that there were far worst historically recorded events which left people far more disempowered than our forced indoor isolation. Yet still they achieved and overcame limitations. They allowed spirit to surface against every odd.

Anyway, a few sets of home Pilates was good. I'm reminded how active I was not too long ago and how I welcome new movement or the revisiting of movement styles that I picked up on after a long pause.

Chopin certainly soothes. May tomorrow bring a new set of experiences and explorations of my own spirit. Till then.

Signing off


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