Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 2

Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 2

Today I awoke to the harsh reality of things. I didn't feel, perhaps like I subtly did yesterday, that this was simply our turn to join in on a global, borderless and disregarding pandemic.

I got up reminded of my beliefs spiritually and make no mistake, while I am vocal of my beliefs, I hold no polarized views on religious choices. That's the stuff that generally causes all the issues in the world so I am not about to engage any more triggers. Further, how does any of that matter in a time when every humanbeing is being challenged personally and is equally called to play a part in this fight to save humanity?

We're all on the same side for once. Such a high price to pay to get us to this point and perhaps that's where some of my anger felt today stems from.

Today I felt a few things but mostly I felt intense anger combined with hurt by the reality of things. This lock-down together with all the consequences had weighed in. My colleague and the co-founder of our NGO, The Collab Movement (, got to hear some of my thoughts.  I think we, The Collab Movement, should drive in our own capacity the funding invitation towards the Sovereign Fund. I suggested that to Jimmy but again you don't need to hear from us to contribute. Just do it if you can. I personally am inviting communities I have access to, to rally the big wigs and to contribute towards this fight too. I see it as a legacy project for them to do so and based on a few things.

On a good note,  I am glad to once more see the generosity of the Motsepe Family who I was fortunate enough to work for and before opening my own firm. Again echoed by Jimmy and me
We all need to get into our purses to fight this fight and not just a few billionaires. SA has many more so all billionaires should contribute including us aspirant ones too. Come on billionaires, compete as you would in business but this time to give towards the Covid19 fight!

On the subject of business, well, you know how I feel. It was hard before all this and now I sit here, while planning for sustainability, wondering of how to overcome things. I am blessed that my strong work ethic has me surrounded by a good business network where I am being groomed further and am kept learning. I am totally inspired by a particular business legend who I will share more on in a dedicated post.

Today I also noted that America is paying significant amounts to families who are left threatened by this pandemic. How can we learn to become the same? What can we do differently so we can also be like these super economies? How can we on-board support from nations in a position to help us? Especially now with Moody's downgrade.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot I don't agree with in SA (sorry Jimmy you had to listen a bit to that too!) but now was not the time for a junk status downgrade...or was it? 

All I believe is, we must come out better from this and I will go on to say Please God ( for whomever you may call your God, know that I respect you as a humanbeing first).
In closing, in a few minutes I head outside for a little while to salute our medical and core services teams who are on the ground enabling the lock-down in the interest of South African's. There is no crowds and social distancing is maintained. But it's what will be done the Italians did and in attempt to keep up the moral of our very special nation regardless of however flawed or challenged we are.

God bless us all
Signing off


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