Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 3

Healthy Body+ Healthy Mind= Happy Life - Sampada pardeep - Medium 

Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary -Day 3

All in all it's been a really good day. Late yesterday I came to some firm decisions, based on where society is and which I briefly discussed with my colleague Jimmy a few weeks ago, which now I will pursue over a period of time with necessary transitions.  But for now, it's all business mindset as normal.
I was a bit worried by a headline of Africa being the last in line on global supplies of ventilators. It momentarily took my breath away. But then I remembered what we are pretty used to as a Nation and as a Continent. We are good at improvising and with that we should find a way to innovate till things ease up all round and we're  no longer compromised. 

I also took a long part of today to think about specific things. You'll recall me seeing these days as an opportune time for working on ourselves till we're let out of self isolation. I've suggested the same to  people I truly value and care about. I know we are at a global juncture and where we are unsure of what to expect next. So with this, I took this time to reflect on a video shared with me and which had wise insights on how to control things within immediate and direct reach of ones control.

The wise human rights activist Nathan Sharansky shared what he considered to be 5 tips for times in quarantine and which he practiced while jailed for 9 years and where much of it was in solitary confinement and punishment cells.

Tip 1 -
Remind yourself that even while you are alone, you are part of a huge global battle. One against an invisible enemy being the Corona Virus 19.

Tip 2 -
We are unsure on things currently so don't expect anything from that which you can't control. Build plans that you can directly control. Example - in 3 days I will finish a book.

Tip 3-
Never give up on your sense of humor. Even humor yourself. Lucky for me I am able to entertain a few, even myself and I am not short of a good supply of my own dark humor. Worst case, think of a time in your life like maybe with a ex boyfriend or boss and what a joke he/she was -  then laugh at yourself for being a fool or foolish. Or think about an uncle who dances badly and always with you at family functions. Or recall times with friends and that particular one, who you love, but who can't stop being the complimentary joker in your pack of friends.
Keep a balanced and a relatively light, fun-filled mind during this time while taking precautions, still working and planning as much as you can ... within your control

Tip -
Don't give up a hobby. Maybe even develop a new one. You don't need money. Natan played chest in jail by himself and with no board or pieces. Find a way to start something new.

Tip 5 -
Feel your connection.  Oh, by now you must surely know that you / we are not alone. We are the collective US as this stage. Connected as humans and together wanting to succeed against Covid19 and with a fast economic recovery in place. And since we are also part of a greater existence,  are we ever alone? No!

Lastly, I also want to share how tonight at 7pm from windows and in distance of one another we once again salute on the ground staff who keep things going in this critical time.

Our heroes - we appreciate and we love you.

God bless us all.

Signing off


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