One has to wonder a few things over. In a single particular order when it comes to Climate Change, this remains paramount to address. For the longest, hardest times of relief and aid to matters of human doing and suffering, still, there was the element of geography and geopolitricks at play. Without going into depth of what is meant by this, look at where poverty seemingly is by design ..alongside diseases and big name involvements. Yet still it could be considered of a human attribution for these unmet challenges. But when we look at very literal, visible climate related matters - we can't wait to act on these with interventions. If things can even be intervened. World encounters of mass biodiversity destruction like currently seen with Brazil's floods are starking eye openers, once again. We know food systems are imbalanced and climate demands a complete overhaul in how to address industrial designs and processes. Greed and dominance still at play in whom gets to faster an...
Today I spotted someone from a distance with a cold sore that stood out as he was walking towards the treadmill. Much of what we know is those things are not a good sign of a immunity and are a form of a hepatitis/STD related, laying dormant to never go away as are with warts on hands etc. What I am saying is that even with advance medical choices, you still must excercise basic care for all else to complement health and wellbeing choices. Washing of hands is necessary and no vitamins can substitute for that cleanliness if you just think over things like public door handles, elevator buttons, money and all the exchanges of it then to use your hands to apply moisturizer your own face, to cook, to handle kids etc. It's like the basic principle of wearing hairnets in industrial kitchens and with food handling or preparing of (massive respect to Big Mouth Sandton specifically as not spotted in other top end sushi bars frequented). Some basics apply and always. Like no...
(This is the first series of my short stories for kids. Suggested ages of between 2-7 years old) Melina the brilliant little girl Bee (part 1) Melina was an interesting little bee. She was a girl bee of just 5 years old and whose smiley eyes and many questions were thought to be cute, interesting and also quite troublesome at times by both her parents and her many brother and sister bees. Yes. All of Melina bee's family members understood her to be different to them. She was the youngest bee child in her family but also the one to ask the most questions. Everyone in the home felt that maybe it was in the way Melina bee listened and looked at things which made her ask so many questions, all the time and about almost everything. But they also knew that it was a good habit to have and so no one really stopped Melina bee from her asking of questions even when it became too much to handle for them all. See Melina bee would take a simple thing like eating a fruit at lunc...
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