Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 9

Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 9

The future of space: Collaboration or competition? | SciTech Europa

Who would have thought that the entire world would actually be forced to stop at once. I didn't think I would be part of this moment in time and in the making of history.

Everything and everyone we took for granted is now classified under force majeure.

It's a good wake up call to those sitting expectant and under-utilising their own sense of purpose. Who did you ever think you were feeling so entitled? Some also find their businesses in the deep red troes of trouble. Those very same people, who were ever too comfortable to have abused and displaced many people and for a very long time, now find themselves very displaced too.  Whereas a cheers could be in order to them, we have to be bigger in overcoming ourselves and avoid low digs at all costs. We are all in this together. 

It also feels like positives will surface post Covid19 and promptly if we're in the good company of economic recovery strategies with solid, measurable milestones  and activities.  Those on a cushion of wealth, be assured that it will run out so your business efforts now will serve better than your arrogance. Partner right.

I am reminded of digitization, space exploration, satellite sphere players, business fluidity and the ability to diversify as being critical more so now than ever. And ..

While we are on earth, we still have major issues to address here and before we take any of our problematic selves to other planets. 


signing off..galactic girl


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