Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 10
Dear CoVid19 Country Lock-down diary - Day 10
A few more days to go...or not. The data shows the positive impact resulting from self isolation and countries who were/are in lock-down. So staying put is a good thing for us SA.
I do wonder what will happen when we are eventually allowed out. May we remember why we had to stay indoors to begin with. I can imagine just how many of us would want to charge out...and all at once. Which could be detrimental too.
Totally secondary to the lock-down but equally important to me is - I wonder how we are relating to one another in our various personal and professional relationships.
Daily I have contact with certain people which is not negotiable. Not a lengthy list of contacts, but a significant one and for various reasons. Some personal but most for professional reasons. I can say that as an entrepreneur, I don't have the luxury of not working while I think about my current and future income as well as deal flows. I think many of us are confronted with this reality and while some may be hesitant to speak out, my advice is not to keep your concerns inside.. allowing it to fester. I also don't think you should reach out because of false fears or insincere to your purpose, but do speak out. You know I believe that -
My regular personal and professional conversations are promising. Ofcourse we all have turns to feel like climbing up our home walls, or touring different parts of living spaces with a renewed appreciation for them. Fortunately, we all seem to take alternate days, time of days and duration's to feel frustrated, rested, healthy and happy. It seems to nicely work itself out.
I find relationships are now very clear for me personally. They're more valuable, valued or depreciative. Either way it's clear and in a non capricious sort of way. For one, you should know now more than ever what matters ...followed gently by with what and with who. Some relations will only be formed after this time has passed and can also be based on how much or little you have been affected, impacted or wiser professionally or personally from it.
On the subject of relationships, I find it funny how couples claiming to be in love opted to now live apart ( it's telling so don't be fooled) and how those living together are experiencing varying forms of expressions in how they relate to one another. This, to me my friend, is directly proportionate to the relationship you have with yourself.

A few more days to go...or not. The data shows the positive impact resulting from self isolation and countries who were/are in lock-down. So staying put is a good thing for us SA.
I do wonder what will happen when we are eventually allowed out. May we remember why we had to stay indoors to begin with. I can imagine just how many of us would want to charge out...and all at once. Which could be detrimental too.
Totally secondary to the lock-down but equally important to me is - I wonder how we are relating to one another in our various personal and professional relationships.
Actually, how are we relating to ourselves?
Daily I have contact with certain people which is not negotiable. Not a lengthy list of contacts, but a significant one and for various reasons. Some personal but most for professional reasons. I can say that as an entrepreneur, I don't have the luxury of not working while I think about my current and future income as well as deal flows. I think many of us are confronted with this reality and while some may be hesitant to speak out, my advice is not to keep your concerns inside.. allowing it to fester. I also don't think you should reach out because of false fears or insincere to your purpose, but do speak out. You know I believe that -
We should never think alone. Which is why I value the eagles, pigeons and snails I soar with.
My regular personal and professional conversations are promising. Ofcourse we all have turns to feel like climbing up our home walls, or touring different parts of living spaces with a renewed appreciation for them. Fortunately, we all seem to take alternate days, time of days and duration's to feel frustrated, rested, healthy and happy. It seems to nicely work itself out.
I find relationships are now very clear for me personally. They're more valuable, valued or depreciative. Either way it's clear and in a non capricious sort of way. For one, you should know now more than ever what matters ...followed gently by with what and with who. Some relations will only be formed after this time has passed and can also be based on how much or little you have been affected, impacted or wiser professionally or personally from it.
On the subject of relationships, I find it funny how couples claiming to be in love opted to now live apart ( it's telling so don't be fooled) and how those living together are experiencing varying forms of expressions in how they relate to one another. This, to me my friend, is directly proportionate to the relationship you have with yourself.
Ultimately, the honest relationship we have with ourselves determines alot in this time and after.So, thank you to the people who keep me going, keep me thinking with them ..who daily give me so much. Thank You to those who keep me barefoot and happy in the kitchen of their heart.
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