Today was not the day to honor Elsa Majimbo

Nicolette Mashile's tweet - "Please guys DM @ElsaAngel19 ...

So I wanted to write a piece on the very interesting Elsa Majimbo.  As detailed and as an honorary one.

A young lady I came across and who needs very little except herself to impress. Infact, very little except herself to deliver smart wit which still feels like it's straight from the sweetness of her heart.

The things she says!

Well, only the kind of things I truly value from my standpoint and what I appreciate as being said without malice by this smart young women. Her sweet still drips regardless of what leaves her daring lips. Maybe her smiling eyes helps her dare escape more easily. I get that.

All I know is my day was hard and I didn't start this piece thinking I'll make it pass

"I'll be back"...tomorrow with my shout out to Elsa".

But here I am still writing. So.

Like Elsa, I think no matter what the world brings or what type of day one faces, or what your setting is, very little is needed to simply deliver and to do so with an impressive kind of smart.

A women to watch out for.

Signing off feeling better than when I started this..


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