It's a Cleaner World we're all heading into.

An eye opener of another day in lock-down.

So by now some of you know my beliefs. As I improve, so do my efforts, understandings and quality of failures too.
(by now you should also expect nothing less than this sense of humor!)

So for a long time you heard me speak about the world as a collective of many expressions.
You saw Collaboration, you heard One Great World, One Greater World Together. We know there's "Better World", "Safer World", "Kinder World" and more.

Yes to all that but actually I know that we need a "Cleaner World". Literally, Innovatively, Philosophically and Intentionally. Through literal meaning of the words seen in asks for  hand washing, personal hygiene,  food safety, cleaner food, cleaner water, quality air, clean energy, clean design. It's a Cleaner World we're heading into.

Signing out


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