Ungrateful Bastards - Is it easy, no! Am I grateful, DEFINITELY NOT!

Ungrateful Bastards: Winston Sutherland: 9781326472986: Amazon.com ...

Ok ok, maybe I had to say that to get your attention but speaking of which, mine is honed in on essentials. My attention resides strictly in developing new businesses.

We all are worried about this lock-down and what it means for the economy, finances, businesses and for my own wallet. You've heard me say many times how hard this was for SME's already before the lock-down. Then came this virus that "came to me" somehow in December and before China ( it's cryptic I know).

Every single day I'm faced with a new challenge in another lock-down day. Some challenges are welcomed some aren't. Overall I'm inspired and we're all doing our best to make something out of this time and with a solid plan in place.

Let's see.

So to close with a reshuffle of the words -

I am definitely grateful and no it is not easy being in a lock-down. But when we are released, what will you be heading to? Best starting that preparation and work now.

Signing out


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