Multi-Dimensional Monetisation

So. We find ourselves in a time that many of us never lived to know before. An experience which has many of us asking some tough questions in business choices, lifestyle preferences and just on the way forward with basics. Personally, I have had a great time (I did not say easy) through much of this COVID19 country lockdown process. I know you probably asking how this could be the case as a strained entrepreneur, in a tough economy and with a pandemic which came to prove a few harder points. I say it has been great because I am forced to rethink my position in my business, with my life and the choices I have made and am yet to. Some choices I probably could have skipped and some I would change not a thing about. Hindsight always has a way of creeping up on me with a great reality check. But - As you all know, being connected to my intellect, my love languages, my purpose and to my spirituality are non-negotiables for me. So I try to give...